

  1. Hi #

    Monday, 15-Aug-11 19:26:14 UTC from web
    1. @sugar Hi!

      Monday, 15-Aug-11 19:26:41 UTC from web
      1. @miloth waves! hi @princessluna

        Monday, 15-Aug-11 19:27:21 UTC from web
        1. @sugar How are you doing?

          Monday, 15-Aug-11 19:27:37 UTC from web
          1. @miloth ok just putting in job applications need to find a new job with computers

            Monday, 15-Aug-11 19:28:23 UTC from web
            1. @sugar ah, I see...

              Monday, 15-Aug-11 19:28:58 UTC from web
    2. @sugar Yay Hi ponygirl!

      Monday, 15-Aug-11 19:28:22 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @princessluna hi princess!

        Monday, 15-Aug-11 19:29:03 UTC from web
    3. Hi @sugar!

      Monday, 15-Aug-11 19:29:29 UTC from web
      1. @eaglehooves hihi

        Monday, 15-Aug-11 19:30:15 UTC from web
    4. @abigpony hehe yeah I'm a ninja pony

      Monday, 15-Aug-11 19:31:54 UTC from web
    5. @sugar Hello, there! :) I hope that you had a good weekend, and the sale went well!

      Monday, 15-Aug-11 20:43:49 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @astra AStraaaaaa

        Monday, 15-Aug-11 20:45:03 UTC from web
        1. @kingcarcinopony Carcinooooo. :)

          Monday, 15-Aug-11 20:47:21 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          1. @astra wassup?

            Monday, 15-Aug-11 20:48:21 UTC from web
            1. @kingcarcinopony Work, and trying to get myself in gear for the week ahead. Without much success, I might add. Maybe after I get done with lunch here, I'll be more successful. :) What's up with you?

              Monday, 15-Aug-11 20:53:44 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              1. @astra URAAGGHHHHHHH I'm drinking this wierd organic enrgy drink, its so nasty!

                Monday, 15-Aug-11 20:54:36 UTC from web
                1. @kingcarcinopony Ewww, is it that horrid wheat grass stuff?

                  Monday, 15-Aug-11 20:59:08 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  1. @astra no its.... FRS healthy energy. it taste like spam..

                    Monday, 15-Aug-11 21:00:01 UTC from web
                    1. @kingcarcinopony Oh, ick! :p I tried those a while back, and wasn't impressed, especially with how much they cost. I don't recall them tasting like any sort of meat product, though. *blink*

                      Monday, 15-Aug-11 21:12:56 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                      1. @astra I know what it taste like, and its nasty, I never want it again.

                        Monday, 15-Aug-11 21:13:53 UTC from web
                        1. @kingcarcinopony Hmmm. Well, that is the stuff endorsed by 'roided-up bicyclists, isn't it?

                          Monday, 15-Aug-11 21:17:47 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                          1. @astra oh, you mean NERDS?

                            Monday, 15-Aug-11 21:18:20 UTC from web
                            1. @kingcarcinopony Sort of, but worse: Lance Armstrong.

                              Monday, 15-Aug-11 21:48:58 UTC from web
                              1. @astra doesnt he only have like, one genital?

                                Monday, 15-Aug-11 21:49:53 UTC from web
      2. @astra Hi Astra, I did and it went pretty well

        Monday, 15-Aug-11 20:58:09 UTC from web
        1. @sugar Yay, very glad to hear that! :)

          Monday, 15-Aug-11 21:10:30 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          1. @astra how are you doing Astra?

            Monday, 15-Aug-11 21:33:41 UTC from web
            1. @sugar Oh, busy, and feeling like my mind is slipping gears, but I'm managing to get through the day all right! How are you doing there? Any promising job prospects? I know, a little early in the game, but . . . And how's everything otherwise?

              Monday, 15-Aug-11 21:52:39 UTC from web
              1. @astra not really we'll see if anyone responds to my applications

                Monday, 15-Aug-11 23:00:02 UTC from web
                1. @sugar I certainly hope that someplace good does soon. Keeping you in my thoughts here.

                  Monday, 15-Aug-11 23:03:59 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    6. @zachariastargazer I dont care, go away

      Monday, 15-Aug-11 21:20:19 UTC from web