

  1. I oppose the PROTECT IP act. If U R a US citizen of voting age, contact yr representatives & senators & tell them NO!

    Thursday, 18-Aug-11 14:10:09 UTC from TweetDeck
    1. @cabal Who the what now?

      Thursday, 18-Aug-11 14:11:43 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @colfax

        Thursday, 18-Aug-11 14:12:28 UTC from TweetDeck
    2. @cabal HERE, HERE!

      Thursday, 18-Aug-11 14:12:30 UTC from web
    3. @cabal Seriously? They're trying this crap -again-?

      Thursday, 18-Aug-11 14:12:58 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @colfax THEY HAVE FOR THE LAST SEVERAL MONTHS! Get to it! &

        Thursday, 18-Aug-11 14:15:47 UTC from TweetDeck
        1. @cabal Well I don't watch the news or anything anymore, so I miss things like this.

          Thursday, 18-Aug-11 14:19:15 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        2. @cabal People who don't understand tend to fear and thats what congress and the house is doing right now, they are fearing the internet. So their trying to purge it rather than find a good solution. If purging doesn't work for anorexics health, then it wont work for the internet or the Congress and House's health.

          Thursday, 18-Aug-11 14:22:55 UTC from web
          1. @kingpopadopalus We are particularly at risk because we use a trademarked name for our site. #

            Thursday, 18-Aug-11 14:25:58 UTC from TweetDeck
            1. @cabal indeed but if hasbro has learned anything in the latest generation its that them holding the copyrights with an iron grip causes them to lose business. should they adhere to this bill should it be passed and shut down this site, They will be incurring the wrath of the bronies, we have made their show viable and their profit margins wide and we can take that all away.

              Thursday, 18-Aug-11 14:28:16 UTC from web
              1. @kingpopadopalus by the way, we all owe it to Hasbro to buy some official merchandise. seriously, if you want the show to continue, you HAVE to buy toys. that's the only thing that will make them want to continue it.

                Thursday, 18-Aug-11 14:33:18 UTC from web
                1. @nightwillow that is true and I have already but the fact is that if they start taking down sites, creative displays of fandom like the converse shoe creator incident and still expect us to pay into the show even though what has kept us alive through the interval between season 1 and season 2 is missing? They are running a bad business model.

                  Thursday, 18-Aug-11 14:36:19 UTC from web
                  1. @kingpopadopalus wait, are you saying that what they are doing right now is a bad business model?

                    Thursday, 18-Aug-11 14:40:13 UTC from web
            2. @cabal just register the domain and it's free at the moment.

              Thursday, 18-Aug-11 14:35:09 UTC from Choqok
          2. @kingpopadopalus it's actually Bulimics that purge.

            Thursday, 18-Aug-11 14:28:10 UTC from web
            1. @nightwillow my bad.

              Thursday, 18-Aug-11 14:31:52 UTC from web