

  1. !customponies !ohiobronies Currently working on re-hairing the Ohio mascot pony. Sooo much hair!! I will have her ready in time for the meet on the 27th.

    Friday, 19-Aug-11 05:54:35 UTC from web
    1. @darklycute I'd be more than glad to help you with vectoring while I still have the time.

      Sunday, 21-Aug-11 22:42:26 UTC from web
      1. @techoids Vectoring what? Is confused.

        Sunday, 21-Aug-11 22:43:29 UTC from web
        1. @darklycute Vector programs like Inkscape are often used for creating ponies. I'm guessing you're using something else?

          Monday, 22-Aug-11 17:50:46 UTC from web
          1. @techoids I use Flash to vector...also in my OP I am talking about customizing an actual pony toy.

            Monday, 22-Aug-11 17:56:10 UTC from web
            1. @darklycute Oh, I see. Sorry about that. (I was talking about the mascot pony.)

              Monday, 22-Aug-11 18:04:04 UTC from web