

  1. !ohiobronies I might be going to Matsuricon in Columbus for a little bit this weekend. Anypony else gonna be there? If so, we should meet up.

    Saturday, 20-Aug-11 03:23:21 UTC from web
    1. @darklycute what day are you going? I would love to meet up and go to the con

      Saturday, 20-Aug-11 04:28:02 UTC from web
      1. @partycrash If I do go it will be tomorrow sometime. Waiting on friend to get back to me. Send me an email at and I will give you my phone number.

        Saturday, 20-Aug-11 04:43:48 UTC from web
        1. @darklycute email sent

          Saturday, 20-Aug-11 04:44:56 UTC from web
          1. @partycrash Replied!

            Saturday, 20-Aug-11 04:59:34 UTC from web