

  1. Time for a minor Tinker rant, BTW. Do you ponies have the slightest clue how many THOUSANDS of dollars I have spent on this fandom, or how many countless hundreds of hours I've spent building and promoting ponydom? Do you have any idea how many times my GF has gotten mangoesed off at me for spending more time being a pony party promoter than being with her? Seriously, guys. I'm sorry I can't give everypony the individualised assistance that you all crave, but there's ONE of me. ONE, uno, un, ein, echad. So... yeah. Keep that in mind, please.

    Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:17:37 UTC from web
    1. @purpletinker Aw, I'm sorry Tinker *hugs* :'(

      Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:18:47 UTC from web
      1. @derpytails S'okay, derpity. It's just... well, sometimes I wish there were twelve of me. What I wouldn't give to be Multiple Mare.

        Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:20:34 UTC from web

      Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:19:56 UTC from web
    3. @purpletinker who are you? ;)

      Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:22:03 UTC from web
      1. @babadingldoo just some pony

        Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:24:19 UTC from web
    4. @ponydude2143 Just a reminder, I e-mailed you regarding on being Editor for the !phillybronies List :)

      Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:22:42 UTC from web
    5. @purpletinker Tinker, you and everything you do.. it's simply spectacular. You put more into this community than anyone I know of, BY FAR. Just remember those of us who appreciate it and can't thank you enough~!

      Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:23:21 UTC from web
      1. @bejoty Thanks, Bejoty. You're awesome, and it was great seeing you at the July event. I wish you could attend BroNYCon September!

        Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:27:10 UTC from web
    6. @purpletinker I dumped well over $500 out of my pocket into the last Ohio meetup and I don't even have a job.

      Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:23:46 UTC from web
      1. @starshine FAN WAR!!! OOOOOOOOOOH SNAP! murdock'S ABOUT TO GET REAL!... er

        Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:25:24 UTC from web
        1. @babadingldoo !shrug

          Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:26:11 UTC from web
          1. @starshine who's the bigger fan?! who's got the money for the bronies?! tune in to see the fight of a lifetime!

            Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:27:49 UTC from web
      2. @starshine I appreciate that. It's wonderful, really it is. In the end, though, you have to lift your own boulders. That's the lesson here. Every time somepony whines "Why is there no meetup group in East Asscrack, Whinnypeg?", I point out that if you want a meetup group in your area, SOMEPONY is going to have to step up and make it. It's my task to promote BroNYCon. It's your task to promote the Ohio group. I will work with you to ensure that your link on is up to date. I will coordinate dates with you so my event doesn't cannibalise attendance from yours, or vice versa. I will happily cross-promote your stuff... but ultimately, it's your job to pimp Ohio meetups, and it's my job to pimp NYC meetups.

        Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:26:34 UTC from web
        1. @purpletinker Okay...? I wouldn't disagree with any of that. And I'm sorry that my original post was really ranty and murdocky, btw.

          Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:28:32 UTC from web
          1. @starshine It's okay. We all get ranty and papayasy now and again, myself in particular quite often. Believe me, the last thing I want to do is disregard another group administrator. You guys are great. On the other hoof, taking flak for things I didn't do (e.g. Sethisto's confusing intro to my update post), and taking flak for promoting my own convention on my own site... well... yeah. I think you can see how you might have made me grumpy.

            Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:31:52 UTC from web
      3. @starshine @purpletinker Woah everypony calm down. Having been well-versed in the anime convention trenches, this bickering is not a path we want to go down. I really, really, REALLY don't want to see the various brony meetup groups and the like devolve into the "ours is better!" mentality that so many anime conventions have fallen prey to. It's the path that leads to pointless elitism and 3 confounding conventions in one city, and it's a terrible thing. We should support each other and play to our strengths, not fight each other. So chill, relax, think about your goals and aspirations in the fandom, and make sure you're doing your best to achieve them for the benefit of all.

        Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:32:56 UTC from web
        1. @rpb3000 I think we're both fairly chill at this point :)

          Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:33:18 UTC from web
          1. @starshine I just felt like it was something that needed said. It's one of my goals to make sure that elitism noise that bothered me so much about the anime fandom doesn't happen to the bronies.

            Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:35:00 UTC from web
        2. @rpb3000 also, that dash needed a "Dear Princess Celestia" in it

          Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:34:11 UTC from web
          1. @starshine are you calling posts dashes now? XD

            Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:35:12 UTC from web
            1. @babadingldoo They've actually been called dashes for like forever now. ;P

              Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:35:43 UTC from web
              1. @celestiaforequestria i would have been lost understanding her if i wasn't here a few hours ago XD

                Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:36:59 UTC from web
            2. @babadingldoo That's what we've called 'em here since day one! ... well, day two. Day one was very uneventful.

              Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:35:57 UTC from web
            3. @babadingldoo I thought a dash was what we'd been calling the pony version of a tweet.

              Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:36:28 UTC from web
        3. @rpb3000 I agree 1000%. And none of this is about 'better'. BroNYCon is 'bigger'. Is it 'better'? That's a matter of opinion, and arguing about it is not only pointless, but downright silly. And every time I see multiple individuals within a city trying to found a group, I steer them towards working together. "We shall hang together, or most assuredly we shall hang separately". We're all in this together.

          Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:36:08 UTC from web
          1. @purpletinker Ohio group is best group because it's totally within a reasonable distance to me ;)

            Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:36:50 UTC from web
    7. @derpy Disco Stu doesn't advertise.

      Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:26:00 UTC from web
    8. @ponydude2143 that's fine, I thought I would remind you :)

      Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:26:01 UTC from web
    9. @ponydude2143 I just added my real name to the list and editing a few details was well :)

      Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:29:26 UTC from web
    10. @purpletinker I think I may owe you an apology too. We really do appreciate what you do. It's just that there was some confusion back there, and a few poorly worded @-replies on my part didn't help.

      Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:32:57 UTC from web
    11. @ponydude2143 Nighty night and thanks for making me an Editor :D

      Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:34:39 UTC from web