

  1. @daisymare Ohh new fanfic?

    Sunday, 28-Aug-11 08:22:34 UTC from web
    1. @gangstashy Yeah, but I'm not doing main characters. This is all OC of my own design set far west of Appleloosa in the hills. It's going to be about a young earth pony filly that desires to learn magic like that of unicorns and seeks out an ancient God who is the older brother of Celestia and Luna. I hope to take it to Hasbro and Faust and see if they could work a deal to publish it officially.

      Sunday, 28-Aug-11 08:26:25 UTC from web
      1. @daisymare ._. (protip: Faust has no influence over anything MLP anymore.)

        Sunday, 28-Aug-11 08:30:51 UTC from web
        1. @gangstashy That's not entirely true. She still has creative influence and I'm certain that with her backing Hasbro would allow a license for the ponyverse.

          Sunday, 28-Aug-11 08:32:28 UTC from web
          1. @daisymare She does, but she's almost entirely focusing on her own Galaxy Girls project and anything else she has floating around in her brain. Someone actually brought this up over tonights Reddit Q and A with Jayson Thiessen (supervising director for MLP:FiM). He said to contact Hasbro directly.

            Sunday, 28-Aug-11 08:36:47 UTC from web
            1. @gangstashy I'll have my agent contact Hasbro and work out the details. But first I need to have a functioning story that works.

              Sunday, 28-Aug-11 08:39:13 UTC from web
        2. @gangstashy Besides, nopony knows what's going on outside of the main area and nopony knows about the relatives of Celestia and Luna. They are fair game in my book.

          Sunday, 28-Aug-11 08:34:13 UTC from web
          1. @daisymare Assuming they even have living relatives. *hopes we find out more* Also, this map ( as far as Equestria goes, is the most canonically accurate. A lot of the locations are based off of Fausts own descriptions.

            Sunday, 28-Aug-11 08:42:16 UTC from web
            1. @gangstashy I'm using that map already.

              Sunday, 28-Aug-11 08:44:05 UTC from web
            2. @gangstashy see the mountains to the west across the desert from Appleloosa? the foothills there is where my story starts.

              Sunday, 28-Aug-11 08:45:05 UTC from web
              1. @daisymare Nice! Sounds like it'll be an interesting read. I would totally read it, but I promised myself no more fanfics this semester.

                Sunday, 28-Aug-11 08:49:22 UTC from web
    2. @anaveragesizedhorse It wouldn't be the first time it's happened. Just look at all the Star Wars books out there. Lucas didn't write any of them. Fans wrote them and submitted them to Lucas's people for approval. I'll be doing the same thing. Only I'll be going through Hasbro. In fact I intend to rally many of the other Fanfic writers that have written stories that would work well within the Canon of MLP and see if maybe we can't them Canonized.

      Sunday, 28-Aug-11 08:37:42 UTC from web
    3. @anaveragesizedhorse You're wrong about Star Wars, but right that their books get reviewed before accepted. As for Hasbro, they want to make money off their intellectual property and if the fan base of MLP has money to spend then they will sell you stuff. In the past their target demographic was children under 10 who don't read books so they never bothered to release anything other than coloring books or simple baby books. Now they have an adult demographic that is desperate for content to the point of creating their own. Do you really think Hasbro will allow all that money potential slip away? Soon they notice just how much writing is being down about their intellectual property and they will start trying to stop the fanfic writers by offering them book deals through a publisher like Scribbner or Simon and Schuster.

      Sunday, 28-Aug-11 08:52:58 UTC from web
    4. @anaveragesizedhorse Except that they are losing millions by allowing fanfic to be traded freely. I personally don't care that no one is making money off their work but I'm certain that Hasbro's lawyers are wondering how to cap all this potential cash loss. Secondly, do you really think that Hasbro doesn't have a company that is set up to cater to adults? Disney has their adult studios so I'm certain Hasbro has an imprint as well to handle things that don't fit their Kid Friendly image.

      Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:02:50 UTC from web
    5. @anaveragesizedhorse You are forgetting that when they publish it it becomes canon. People don't really care about fanfics if they don't fit the canon.

      Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:08:24 UTC from web
    6. @anaveragesizedhorse Either way, submitting to them is like submitting to any company. They can either accept it or reject it. If I don't get published in book form then maybe they'll want it for the show. There's always room for more episode writers.

      Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:13:23 UTC from web
    7. @anaveragesizedhorse Then this culture is lost. Once season 2 starts everything will be destroyed and our groups will fracture and something new will take it's place and in a few years we will all look back and wonder what the hell we were thinking.

      Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:16:14 UTC from web
      1. @daisymare Oh, more S2 doomsday. I was missing that.

        Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:18:19 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @redenchilada No, it's not going to be doomsday. I was just making a point of how silly it is to think that it's pointless to shoot for the stars.

          Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:21:36 UTC from web
    8. @anaveragesizedhorse Why so negative? I thought MLP was supposed to make you think positive and be happy. Could the rules of our micro society already be breaking down?

      Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:19:48 UTC from web
      1. @daisymare That was never a rule. That was a meme established by whoever came up with that. Liking a show doesn't take away your right to hate stuff.

        Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:20:59 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @redenchilada Well then get ready for a shift. Cause if what you guys are saying is true then the future of MLP will be strictly in the R34 sector. I know for a fact that there are more people like myself that will embrace the sexual side of MLP long after the bronies abandon it and the show is cancelled.

          Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:24:45 UTC from web
          1. @daisymare ...What? No, that's a backwards-murdock, assuming, unrealistic doomsday prophecy of the future.

            Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:26:39 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
            1. @redenchilada I've seen it done a hundred times over with many other fandoms from my youth. Now that I'm in my 30's and have found solid groups that love such things as this and dive head first into the darker sides I know it to be true.

              Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:29:25 UTC from web
      2. @daisymare @redenchilada Being a part of this never took away your right to anything, it just meant that you like ponies. Also, the whole "love and tolerance" isn't just a meme, it's a foundation of this fandom, remember that.

        Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:27:09 UTC from web
        1. @gangstashy I wouldn't call it a foundation of the fandom more than a common link between members of the community. The foundation of the fandom is the show, love and tolerance is just a result.

          Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:29:47 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          1. @redenchilada Well, yes. But, it's a hell of a common link. Fun Fact: Love and Tolerance brought 4chan to it's knees, and 4chan took on the FBI...and won.

            Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:33:31 UTC from web
            1. @gangstashy It's been getting weaker. And I'm glad for it, personally; "love and tolerance" applied in overdose turns you into a living doormat.

              Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:35:30 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
              1. @redenchilada or it makes you impossible to defeat.

                Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:37:03 UTC from web
                1. @daisymare No, it really doesn't, and I've seen stuff from Ponychan that proves my point.

                  Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:38:35 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                  1. @redenchilada such as?

                    Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:39:59 UTC from web
                    1. @daisymare Someone coming in with a donation scam and getting quite a few takers. Everyone who talks about their troubles gets gobsmacks of attention. Love and tolerance applied too much becomes naivety and gullibility.

                      Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:42:20 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                      1. @redenchilada I think you confuse Love and tolerance with blind trust. Those are two very different things. Once you reach my age you learn to trust no one. Especially if they look like your friend.

                        Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:45:36 UTC from web
            2. @gangstashy It was kind of another form of Umad? At the time... only there isnt a come back for it. No one actually gave love and tolerance... Atlesst I didnt I just trolled and junk

              Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:42:47 UTC from StatusNet Android
              1. @starlightbolt Yeah, it kinda was, but significantly less mangoes-y in my opinion. But still, ponies beat 4chan and 4chan beat the FBI, that's saying something.

                Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:53:15 UTC from web
                1. @gangstashy Yes true. Unfortunately we got a lot of the summerdoles.

                  Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:55:14 UTC from StatusNet Android
    9. @anaveragesizedhorse Just how long have you been around?

      Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:26:38 UTC from web
    10. @anaveragesizedhorse @redenchilada Yes, you can add RAM to your laptop, you just have to know what type it needs to be and if it'll even support anymore.

      Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:31:05 UTC from web