Replies to customanon, page 2

  1. @customanon True, but again they had other things seperating them besides personality, if you played the games or card game you couldn't use one Pokemon for every task, each one had its own type and specific stats, so the merchandise still gave each one a unique feel, but MLP toys didn't do that, but then, neither did the shows until..well, FiM. I don't mean to come off as a smart arse here mind.

    Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:45:28 UTC from StatusNet Android in context
  2. @customanon Even with Pokemon though, the characters have a different look (outside of colour schemes, that is all that seperates MLP characters before FiM, they didn't even have differing hair styles for the most part) they had different attacks, were better in some battles than others, and in the show usually had their own personality, in fact often more personality than the human cast had, but I digress. MLP didn't have even that, it was just a large group of idential ponies, and it was impossible to get to know or get attached to any of them. That was what always threw me off of MLP as a kid, not the fact it was "girly" as it were. (I loved the 80's Care Bears show and still do)

    Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:37:15 UTC from StatusNet Android in context
  3. @customanon I'm pretty much nocturnal nowadays.

    Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:31:09 UTC from StatusNet Android in context
  4. @customanon Awww that sucks. I'm sorry to hear that. I hope those meds kick in soon!

    Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:28:54 UTC from web in context
  5. @customanon I posted the quote in reply to @ahipsterpony, but I still kind of see where she's coming from even with the Gen 1 show in mind. Even if some inspiration did come from it does suffer from a number of the problems she mentioned, I feel.

    Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:26:58 UTC from StatusNet Android in context
  6. @customanon Look! Now I'm delirious from sleep depravation and am talking to my bed! What have ponies done to me?!

    Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:25:05 UTC from web in context
  7. @customanon It is awesome! Except something's telling me that it's time to go to bed. Probably my bed.

    Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:23:54 UTC from web in context
  8. @customanon I dunno...they just seemed so...bland even in the 80's show, which was addmitetley the best of the old shows, but still...even if her inspiration came from there, I feel she made a far superior show out of it, I can watch and enjoy and sometimes even relate to the characters of FiM or at least empaphise (sp) with them, and Gen 1 never does this for me.

    Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:22:32 UTC from StatusNet Android in context
  9. @customanon I thought Lauren Faust was quoted saying the original shows left a bad taste in her mouth? Well not MLP specifically, but shows made for that demographic in general. And I can appreciate that without the older generations FiM wouldn't exist, but I still find it hard to see much in the way of redeeming factor to them. (again, I hold no grudges against those who think otherwise)

    Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:12:08 UTC from StatusNet Android in context
  10. @customanon I'm okay with most of it (srsly, though, 3.5 is Cthulhianly (sp?) awful). Not fond of it, necessarily, but it's not all 3.5. :p

    Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:08:48 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  11. @customanon I don't hold any grudges against people who do enjoy them though, even if it does baffle me greatly I can appreciate it takes many types to make a world.

    Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:06:31 UTC from StatusNet Android in context
  12. @customanon I just find the writing to be abysmal in them most of the time, plus I've gotten used to each character having a distinctive personality in FiM.

    Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:03:17 UTC from StatusNet Android in context
  13. @customanon Well, I will tolerate from now on!

    Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:03:13 UTC from web in context
  14. @customanon The cartoons before Gen 4, with no offence intended, are the LAST thing I want to be associated with as a brony XD

    Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:02:11 UTC from StatusNet Android in context
  15. @customanon But I really love the G3.5 cartoons! Just kidding. Can you ever forgive me? ^^

    Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:00:02 UTC from web in context
  16. @customanon Sorry. I can respect that.

    Saturday, 09-Jul-11 06:54:21 UTC from web in context
  17. @customanon man that is a serious bummer

    Saturday, 09-Jul-11 05:25:31 UTC from web in context
  18. @customanon I would be your co pilot.

    Saturday, 09-Jul-11 05:24:35 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  19. @customanon Ibuprofen works quite well.

    Saturday, 09-Jul-11 05:07:44 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  20. @customanon i am seething with jealousy right now

    Saturday, 09-Jul-11 04:46:18 UTC from web in context
  21. @customanon More likely the latter, to be honest. Had no idea Hasbro were behind it though, XD

    Thursday, 07-Jul-11 07:05:12 UTC from web in context
  22. @customanon (also, quick tip. You can hit the 'reply' button (the one with the arrow) below a post to reply to that post. I recommend it, as it skips you having to type the username and it automatically generates the 'in context')

    Thursday, 07-Jul-11 04:53:22 UTC from web in context
  23. @customanon Oh goodness, that would be terrible q.q

    Thursday, 07-Jul-11 04:52:03 UTC from web
  24. @customanon It's a real concern ;)

    Thursday, 07-Jul-11 04:45:44 UTC from web in context
  25. @customanon oh, okay.

    Thursday, 07-Jul-11 01:06:45 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  26. @customanon if you are already going to have an artist alley table set up for wares, bringing some customs along couldn't hurt. Heck, you could even do customs of certain anime characters and sell to a wider audience than just bronies.

    Thursday, 07-Jul-11 00:59:39 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  27. @customanon are we just invading every anime con across the country or what?

    Thursday, 07-Jul-11 00:56:36 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  28. @customanon you did NOT just ponify Ohio into Ohayo, did you?

    Wednesday, 06-Jul-11 23:37:41 UTC from web in context
  29. @customanon Hey, I was just wondering how much you would charge for a custom pony?

    Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 06:23:34 UTC from web in context
  30. @customanon idea of time stamped progress still aplies. You put up a paint stripped pony and don't do cherries til you get one back.

    Thursday, 14-Apr-11 22:31:04 UTC from web in context