Notices by Eugene (dariusponyperson), page 6

  1. I know all marvel films can't be thor but spiderman 1 was genuinely a good film what the hell happened with the sequels?

    Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 01:25:20 UTC from web in context
  2. @mushi Spiderman 2 and 3 are just yuck

    Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 01:04:00 UTC from web in context
  3. waste of time

    Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 01:01:55 UTC from web in context
  4. This is something else I tell you after watching the marvel cinematic universe its like smelly socks that have been dunked in elephant liquid elephant poop

    Monday, 03-Sep-12 23:40:16 UTC from web
  5. Pointless scenes of pointlesslesslessness

    Monday, 03-Sep-12 23:37:51 UTC from web
  6. @firestormdangerdash I fail to see how goku comes into this

    Monday, 03-Sep-12 23:29:43 UTC from web in context
  7. @milo I made a promise to myself to watch spiderman 3 no matter how bad it may be

    Monday, 03-Sep-12 23:29:23 UTC from web in context
  8. @milo I'm mostly doing good I'm currently working my way through the god awful sam raimi spiderman movies

    Monday, 03-Sep-12 23:26:00 UTC from web in context
  9. @milo I have never spoke to you at all. hello and such

    Monday, 03-Sep-12 23:22:13 UTC from web in context
  10. I don't know if I could be hit any harder over the head with a lame moral message

    Monday, 03-Sep-12 23:18:28 UTC from web

    Monday, 03-Sep-12 23:03:37 UTC from web
  12. Vdskaskldmklsa

    Monday, 03-Sep-12 23:02:10 UTC from web
  13. Bleh enough of this bad mood

    Monday, 03-Sep-12 22:59:36 UTC from web
  14. Michael Clarke Duncan has just passed away and it sucks because its my birthday today and he was one of my favourite actors :(

    Monday, 03-Sep-12 22:35:37 UTC from web
  15. @ponywithahat Okay hang on here something tells are a pony......that wears somekind of mysterious object on his head....

    Monday, 03-Sep-12 18:44:54 UTC from web in context
  16. @cajunbrony23 nothing much really

    Monday, 03-Sep-12 18:43:15 UTC from web in context
  17. Yep time for this again

    Monday, 03-Sep-12 18:32:40 UTC from web
  18. @thelastgherkin POOTIS

    Monday, 03-Sep-12 18:06:23 UTC from web in context
  19. Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes looks okay

    Monday, 03-Sep-12 18:02:53 UTC from web
  20. I miss it when venom wasn't spawn :/

    Monday, 03-Sep-12 18:00:29 UTC from web
  21. @greydragon412 thank you :)

    Monday, 03-Sep-12 17:15:53 UTC from web in context
  22. @mushi @doctorkiwi @nerthos thanks guys :)

    Monday, 03-Sep-12 17:10:53 UTC from web in context
  23. Happy birthday to me

    Monday, 03-Sep-12 17:06:28 UTC from web in context
  24. I'm an old fart now I'm 20

    Sunday, 02-Sep-12 23:35:52 UTC from web in context
  25. Yep

    Sunday, 02-Sep-12 23:35:39 UTC from web in context
  26. pastetooth

    Saturday, 01-Sep-12 21:59:49 UTC from web

    Saturday, 01-Sep-12 21:53:18 UTC from web
  28. @doctorkiwi Yor art maeks me cri TwT

    Saturday, 01-Sep-12 21:49:51 UTC from web in context
  29. @dariusponyperson what?

    Saturday, 01-Sep-12 21:26:20 UTC from web in context Repeat of mushi
  30. legit seems

    Saturday, 01-Sep-12 21:25:35 UTC from web in context