maybe it’s time for us to all say goodbye
about a year ago from web -
Who is paying to keep this site running and more importantly who is paying for that person’s mental healthcare
You guys are lame.
Wednesday, 05-Aug-20 02:50:19 UTC from web -
Hey guess what
Sunday, 07-Jun-20 19:37:58 UTC from web -
@ceruleanspark Funny you mention Over The Garden Wall. It's very recently become my favorite cartoon of all time.
@drinkingpony ok so since I don't know how to do the blackout spoilers thing I'll just try to be covert, but yes I fought him, but if you don't kill anyone the entire game after the game ends *someone* shows up and informs you of how to go back to your last save and unlock the true pacifist ending even after just one playthrough.
@scribus I finished the game as a true pacifist and then played deltarune. I've gotta admit, I've always hated top-down style SNES kinda rpg's but the story in this game was just over. The. Top. You should revisit it if you can.
@scribus Oh hiii scribus it's been a while.
@ceruleanspark I was going to say, can we please be a gay speed dating service?
I'll just leave this here. Seems fitting.
Bye.Friday, 11-Oct-19 06:19:49 UTC from web -
oh yeah! I just played Undertale for the first time. That's a good game. I like that game.
Why am I here, there was something I was actually going to say but now that I'm staring into the void I seem to have misplaced it. Hmmm...
Friday, 11-Oct-19 06:17:48 UTC from web -
honestly im not sure if i expected to be still coming here ten years later.
The site has kinda lost it's relevance. Maybe we should rebrand.
" the microblogging service formerly known as rainbow dash network " -
It's been ten years since I joined this forum. Approximately.
A lot has changed.
I drink whisky now. Also whiskey.
that is all -
hiiiii everyone! I'm new here and I just started watching MLP and I"m soooo exceited to be a part of this conmunity! Rainbow dash is best pony KEK
Friday, 11-Oct-19 06:12:58 UTC from web -
Your mom
I like how now all it takes is one person to favorite your notice and it's just immediately on the popular board... I've waited seven years for this
@nerthos with full admission that I have absolutely no clue what you mean I'll just reconstruct my point this way: having relationships with people is more fascinating than infatuations with animations. this opinion is brought to you by a user of rainbow pony website
@nerthos three dimensional reality > two dimensional fantasy. Still... Darn good memory m8
@drinkingpony "umbilical cord scar thing"
@nerthos I just came here to personally communicate that though we are all older, we are not all necessarily wiser.