Notices by deadname, page 4

  1. RT @nerthos And it is finished! Behold! And laugh at how lame my first try at SAI was... @minti @redenchilada @greydragon412 @ceruleanspark BTW... Layers? What's that?

    Monday, 09-Apr-12 06:05:23 UTC from web Repeat of eaglehooves
  2. @redenchilada You know, one of these days I will actually ban you somehow. Oh, that day will be glorious, many parties will be had. Then I'll unban you 15 seconds later. ;_;

    Sunday, 08-Apr-12 02:31:48 UTC from web in context Repeat of minti
  3. @mrdragon Cabal swooped in here, said some random stuff, and left. That's why I was confused.

    Sunday, 08-Apr-12 02:11:05 UTC from web in context
  4. Oh. I forgot to mention the best part of the Skype chat last night. We were talking about differences in personality over voice and over text, and dlcentaur said something along the lines of "Red, when I first joined RDN I thought you were a mod." "...I _am_ a mod."

    Tuesday, 03-Apr-12 16:04:40 UTC from web in context Repeat of redenchilada
  5. >get shocked by a server so badly I fall over. >Touch it again just to make sure.

    Thursday, 05-Apr-12 08:51:17 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context Repeat of ceruleansparkold
  6. @minti Eeee a durken durken, an eee a durse doo. Eee a durken flurgen a di bork bork bork! tooday smurgen durgen de biscuit. y firs, ye boom shootin. Allley-oop! *bang bang bang* look! Biscoot y der boom shootin meeks dough-nut.

    Wednesday, 04-Apr-12 01:46:14 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  7. I'm G-to-the-H-to-the-E-R-K-I-N. I see the other ponies and wish I could troll like them. I'm picklelicious.

    Saturday, 10-Mar-12 11:43:26 UTC from web in context Repeat of thelastgherkin
  8. @ceruleanspark (boss|gentleman|mister|sir|dawg|homey|bro|uh.......)

    Friday, 09-Mar-12 08:45:07 UTC from web in context