deadname's favorite notices

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  1. @widget Well if the free world is ever depending on you to break some guys legs with a wrench, I hope you'll do the right thing.

    Monday, 23-Apr-12 11:38:39 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  2. @bitshift Your face and your butt are a rotation cipher because they look so simillar!

    Monday, 23-Apr-12 11:29:50 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  3. Holy crap. Is this place still alive?

    Wednesday, 22-Nov-17 00:08:58 UTC from web in context
  4. @redenchilada even worse when you're a woman but they only do "women's" sizes and literally don't go up to a size that fits you (hence the scare quotes)

    Thursday, 31-Mar-16 06:45:11 UTC from web in context
  5. On disk DLC is like buying a pizza, only when your pizza is delivered, the deliveryman instead hands you a single sheet of paper covered in unreadable symbols. You take the symbols to a professor of archaeology and he tells you that they're the writings of a long dead civilization. In order to decode the symbols you travel to the modern country whose borders most closely align with the dead civilizations, as you step off the plane, a woman asks you to hold onto her bag for you whilst she ties her shoes. As she's tying her shoes, you glance across the airport concourse and see an old man waving goodbye to his children as they board their flight. He turns away and sheds a single tear. The woman takes her bag back and you sit down to buy a cinnamon roll from an airside restaurant. That's what on-disk DLC is like.

    Sunday, 24-Mar-13 20:17:34 UTC from web in context
  6. We should all upload an edited version of Harry Potter with Cerulean's face pasted over Harry's face for his birthday.

    Friday, 01-Mar-13 20:39:22 UTC from web in context Repeated by mushi
  7. @minti If RDN goes NSFW this is terrible.

    Thursday, 12-Jul-12 14:34:29 UTC from web in context Repeated by redenchilada
  8. By popular demand, here are a few little things that new ponies might want to keep in mind! A # is the ideal container for your # Plot holes are secret but fun. It is possible to explode multiple times in succession. Everypony is Eric B. Carcino likes # Hats, pickles, and turnips are all sentient. Equestria Girls are !ponyfabulous. Rainbow Dash ALWAYS dresses in style. The Great and Powerful Trixie has magic strong enough to vanquish the dreaded Ursa Major. Rocks are funny. Fabric is dumb. Mustaches are fabulous.

    Thursday, 07-Jul-11 02:58:32 UTC from web in context Repeated by car
  9. exec -a vim nethack # Now if your boss runs ps aux on your system, they will think you're working, not playing a game.

    Friday, 25-May-12 22:43:53 UTC from Repeated by toksyuryel
  10. "f u cn rd ths, u cn gt a gd jb n cmptr prgrmmng." -fortune

    Wednesday, 23-May-12 16:39:20 UTC from Repeated by toksyuryel
  11. Sometimes, I forget what I was supposed

    Saturday, 19-May-12 21:04:39 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context Repeated by bitshift

    Thursday, 03-May-12 00:31:14 UTC from web in context Repeated by pony
  13. @valiantratchet season 9000 spoiler. there are space ponies

    Sunday, 22-Apr-12 23:07:35 UTC from web in context Repeated by bitshift
  14. @widget Lol ... ok "th", and "st" are not next to one another... throw the rest on there!!!!!

    Thursday, 19-Apr-12 03:05:33 UTC from web in context
  15. And it is finished! Behold! And laugh at how lame my first try at SAI was... @minti @redenchilada @greydragon412 @ceruleanspark BTW... Layers? What's that?

    Monday, 09-Apr-12 02:06:08 UTC from web in context Repeated by eaglehooves
  16. @redenchilada You know, one of these days I will actually ban you somehow. Oh, that day will be glorious, many parties will be had. Then I'll unban you 15 seconds later. ;_;

    Sunday, 08-Apr-12 02:31:48 UTC from web in context Repeated by deadname
  17. Greetings everybody!

    Thursday, 29-Mar-12 01:07:19 UTC from web in context