DigitalDomain123's home timeline


  1. TFW your Ass is blasted by 152 mm of pure Russian bias

    Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 11:22:42 UTC from web
    • I strive for truth and knowledge, that knowledge being who the best fem-boy anime yaoi Zaoi Anime is the best.
      And the truth being that it is Kineko-Kun

      Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 11:20:30 UTC from web
      • They're asking for it, with they stumpy little yellow trash bag suits. They'd blend in with me and my ho-bo-broken crew

        Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 11:17:24 UTC from web
        • Sometimes I wonder when the little slimy stones on the river bed will stop focusing on being small cities and focus on eatin more EPA agents.

          Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 11:16:25 UTC from web
          • This man is my hero

            Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 11:12:39 UTC from web
            • square

              Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 11:09:56 UTC from web
            • Squar-eunuch

              Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 11:11:19 UTC from web
              • "If they didn't anyone to swim, they would have put up a sign." "You mean like this one?" "Nah, that's just the name of the lake. Lake Prohibido Nadar"

                Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 11:04:21 UTC from web
              • I've even made love to the beast that I the Washington Public Library's Bathroom

                Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 11:09:22 UTC from web
                • I've even studied it...

                  Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 11:08:43 UTC from web
                  • Also don't insult my intellect, it's a mango ;(

                    Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 11:08:26 UTC from web
                    • I'm going to bed then <3~ MUAH

                      Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 08:49:24 UTC from web
                    • There is a certain Tacitile tact, involved in taciturne tactics

                      Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 08:43:49 UTC from web
                      • If linguistics was a stallion, Grammare would be the opposite

                        Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 08:36:44 UTC from web
                        • Mama Luigi!

                          Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 08:35:20 UTC from web
                          • Holy Potato Knishes it's Metal

                            Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 08:23:13 UTC from web

                            Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 08:31:52 UTC from web
                            • My policy is to stay away with weirdly phallic objects.

                              Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 08:29:57 UTC from web
                              • I guess cherry sleep ;)

                                Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 08:28:45 UTC from web
                                • And crush? More like a mutual agreement

                                  Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 08:26:26 UTC from web
                                  • Do not fear citizen! I have merely crushed the dragon! That dragon being crippling depression

                                    Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 08:26:00 UTC from web
                                    • Yes, Five.

                                      Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 08:22:28 UTC from web
                                      • Oh lord, give me a Kliment Voroshilov 2

                                        Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 08:21:07 UTC from web
                                        • If you think about it, we are all just squares.

                                          Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 08:18:56 UTC from web
                                          • I'm not a furry, I just want 5 blue anthropomorphic wolves to nut in me like any normal person.

                                            Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 08:16:36 UTC from web
                                            • I, like many weebs, have no imagination, that is why we put an image of a person on a pillow and not hug a real Hal man cyborg with flames and right ass jeans.

                                              Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 08:16:08 UTC from web
                                              • This is the last time Pinterest plays with my mind and abuse the color pink! I will not subscribe to this bullduggery!

                                                Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 08:14:09 UTC from web
                                                • I am a non normal person who does not express normal... Ish... Things.

                                                  Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 08:11:49 UTC from web
                                                  • So like it's been a long while, in college now and I will be on tomorrow o3o tired as hell but... Why am I talking to myself? WHAT INSANITY HATH I WROUGHT?!

                                                    Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 08:11:14 UTC from web
                                                    • Baka

                                                      Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 08:10:38 UTC from web