Andrew Louis McNab's home timeline


  1. is anyone still active in this group?

    Wednesday, 12-Oct-16 18:22:42 UTC from web

      Tuesday, 23-Sep-14 14:24:12 UTC from ban me pls
    • "Got something to say? Need to say it? Unfulfilled?"

      Sunday, 10-Aug-14 22:33:50 UTC from web
    • Do robots even have genders?

      Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:11:33 UTC from web
    • @admin ahaha.

      Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:07:15 UTC from web
      • !zagrebbronies kad ce slijedeci meet up

        Tuesday, 29-Jan-13 10:44:43 UTC from web
        • !zagrebbronies nece mi otvorit fb stranicu nes

          Tuesday, 29-Jan-13 00:45:13 UTC from web
          • !zagrebbronies New meetup is up. Check out event page:

            Sunday, 14-Oct-12 19:03:57 UTC from web
            • !zagrebbronies Cronies Summer Wrap Up is a go, more info here:

              Friday, 21-Sep-12 14:44:23 UTC from web
              • !zagrebbronies Galactic Ponies: Croatia Edition From the Creator of CronyFest, Galactic Ponies Melbourne Edition, Galacon pre meetup and Galacon aftermeetup, Cronies/Zagreb Bronies bring you Galactic Ponies: Croatia Edition. Zagreb City, Meetup on Ban Jelalčić Square in noon group photo around 12.45pm in 13.00h, we'll be heading towards Tomislav Square (in case of rain, Zinjevac) there we'll have meeting each other (for ones that are new, or don't know each other) and hanging out around 15.00h, group lunch (planned on sight, depends where people will want to go) after lunch, around 16.30h, trivia contest for prizes (3 blindbags, team can have up to 3 members) around 18.00h, going to Yeti's house (my house) for after birthday party.

                Thursday, 23-Aug-12 00:51:08 UTC from web
                • !Zagrebbronies Mini meetup 19.8.2012 16:00 na trgu kod sata.

                  Wednesday, 15-Aug-12 23:46:25 UTC from web
                  • !zagrebbronies Minimeetup 1.7.2012 u 15:00 na trgu kod sata, ili u slucaju da je sat nedostupan sa druge strane ceste u ravnini sa satom, plan je ici na pizzu i onda se druziti i kartati (Yu-gi-oh, Magic the Gathering i Pokemon).

                    Friday, 29-Jun-12 18:48:14 UTC from web
                    • !zagrebbronies note: meetup moved to noon due to museum schedule for more info contact +385989703081

                      Friday, 22-Jun-12 17:11:38 UTC from web
                      • !zagrebbronies Reminder for Saturday's meetup at Technical museum, near Cibona Tower, 2pm, Entrance is 15kn (10 kn, if there are 10 or more of us)

                        Thursday, 21-Jun-12 17:52:38 UTC from web
                        • !zagrebbronies meeting time is 2pm btw :)

                          Tuesday, 12-Jun-12 17:01:26 UTC from web
                          • !zagrebbronies Zagreb Bronies/Cronies meetup, 23.6.. Idemo u tehnički muzej gledati kakvi su sve izumi postojali u pre-pony dobu. eng: Zagreb Bronies/Cronies meetup on 23tr of June. We're going to Zagreb Technical museum to see all inventions that were made in pre-pony era.

                            Tuesday, 12-Jun-12 17:00:55 UTC from web
                            • !zagrebbronies Meetup 9.6.2012. Plan u 11:00 se naci na Jarunu sjeverni ulazi, i ici na Aeromeeting. Vjerojatno cemo tamo ostati do kraja i onda otici negdje nesto pojest i popit i onda se druziti. Ako netko kasni samo neka javi na mob 0915488218

                              Thursday, 07-Jun-12 23:35:39 UTC from web
                              • !zagrebbronies Mini meetup subota 2.6. na trgu kod sata u 16:00 Plan: ici u muller, na vise lokacija mozda i naci wave 4 blindbagove

                                Thursday, 31-May-12 22:49:30 UTC from web
                                • !zagrebbronies Mini meetup 27.5. na trgu kod sata u 16:00, plan ici u muller kupiti blind bagove (dosao je wave 4) i onda na pizzu u 17:00

                                  Friday, 25-May-12 19:49:21 UTC from web
                                  • !zagrebbronies 19.5. meetup u 16:00 na trgu kod sata, plan: druzenje

                                    Saturday, 19-May-12 09:04:14 UTC from web
                                    • crapcrapcrap maths exam tomorrow do not want D:

                                      Tuesday, 15-May-12 12:58:42 UTC from web
                                    • Oh! Ear flop, then eye flutter, then nose twitch! It's a-twitch a-twitchin'! And you know what that means! It's time to throw a welcome party for @doctorheadshot! #

                                      Monday, 14-May-12 19:40:59 UTC from plot
                                      • Come check out my fic about Twilight meeting the music of Pink Floyd trough a series of psychedelic adventures!

                                        Monday, 14-May-12 19:40:39 UTC from web
                                        • @doctorheadshot QUICK EVERYONE GLOMP THE #

                                          Monday, 14-May-12 19:39:54 UTC from plot