eilliab's home timeline


  1. !vancouverbronies hey guys, im starting to come back on the website more often but my new pictures wont post, if anyone knows why please tell me!

    Wednesday, 10-Oct-12 14:55:23 UTC from web
  2. !vancouverbronies Forum linked for those who hate facebook: http://www.bcbronies.org/forum/index.php/topic,618.0.html

    Monday, 08-Oct-12 16:15:11 UTC from web
    • !vancouverbronies Some New rules: http://www.facebook.com/groups/399904186700708/496587417032384/?notif_t=group_comment

      Monday, 08-Oct-12 16:12:09 UTC from web
    • !bcbronies YO! Thinkin' about having a White Rock meetup, meetin' around 4:00ish tomorrow at the actual White Rock. If you're not from the area, then I apologize to you guys about the parking prices (and possibly transit, I don't know) and to get there, just go to the pier, you should be able to see it from there. Or use maps or something.

      Thursday, 04-Oct-12 04:03:34 UTC from web
    • !vancouverbronies passed by Sakura today, they were out of blindbags. toyRus has a box of them, and Metropolis still got them. I also appearantly missed out on all the BCbronie stuff. heard some stuff went down.

      Thursday, 04-Oct-12 03:50:59 UTC from web
      • !vancouverbronies @bronymike I like FB with everything turned off so I see a number in brackets on my FB tab when something happens. I just keep a tab open.

        Thursday, 04-Oct-12 02:56:14 UTC from web
        • !vancouverbronies Remember when brony meetup use to held in Bamboo cafe? Pepperidge farm remembers.

          Thursday, 04-Oct-12 00:57:56 UTC from web
        • !vancouverbronies BLITZKRIEG!

          Thursday, 04-Oct-12 01:04:14 UTC from web
        • !vancouverbronies RAID TIME. BRING MY SOME PONY PUPPETS.

          Thursday, 04-Oct-12 00:57:57 UTC from web
        • !vancouverbronies WE STILL EXIST!

          Thursday, 04-Oct-12 00:57:07 UTC from web
          • !bcbronies Aw SNAP. Where are the stores located?

            Wednesday, 03-Oct-12 14:52:55 UTC from web
          • !vancouverbronies Holy crap @redtie, long time no see! I miss you bro.

            Wednesday, 03-Oct-12 08:29:02 UTC from web
            • !vancouverbronies heads up Sakura Media and the Metropolis comc book store both have blindbags now. I got my hands on 3 sparkly fluttershys and two trixies. this might be old news, but you all should go buy them and show them these things sell.

              Wednesday, 03-Oct-12 05:21:41 UTC from web
              • !bcbronies Thank you so much to @tesla500 for creating a drawing for our upcoming Mare-a-thon night! http://i.imgur.com/RU7R5.png

                Tuesday, 02-Oct-12 10:21:34 UTC from web
                • !bcbronies Your Game Nights have evolved into... Mare-a-thon Night! http://www.bcbronies.org/forum/index.php/topic,613.0.html

                  Sunday, 30-Sep-12 09:00:11 UTC from web
                  • !vancouverbronies: All right, with the spagehtti as it is now, I will be using RDN again as I no longer trust the intregrity of the forums until Jack has is Moderator powers removed. To much stuff has been censored to keep his image intact and I don't trust my posts too not be touched. 2nd: Talking behind each other backs is highschool grade BS and now cause of it, peoples jobs have been effected. This needs to stop now!

                    Friday, 28-Sep-12 06:25:08 UTC from web
                  • !vancouverbronies Made it to EqD. http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/09/story-repercussions.html

                    Friday, 28-Sep-12 01:32:39 UTC from web
                    • @vorpalbob !bcbronies Hey, thanks for making it out to the meetup today! I told you there were activity books with 30 stickers at Superstore! Just letting you know that we have a forum now, feel free to sign up. www.bcbronies.org

                      Sunday, 16-Sep-12 00:40:59 UTC from web
                      • !bcbronies Sad News everyone. The barn rave has been cancelled. The Halloween trolley tour is the next major event, but has since filled up. Let's brainstorm something...

                        Wednesday, 12-Sep-12 16:43:22 UTC from web
                      • !bcbronies Calendar Events on the Forums to non-moderators up to now were done as a convenience thing. However, this concerned people and so it has to end. You cannot add a event to the calendar unless you give explicit permission to a moderator or you are a moderator and you're organizing the event. We've also instated a "Too bad/Tough Luck" clause in case the originating organizer did not cross-post events to different sites. This has to be in place, and anyone other than the organizer cannot advertise the event, period.

                        Friday, 14-Sep-12 14:37:01 UTC from web
                        • !vancouverbronies okay, is it okay if I come along?

                          Tuesday, 11-Sep-12 02:58:21 UTC from web
                        • !vancouverbronies @jackzhang furthermore, isn't the pizza hut meetup next week?

                          Sunday, 09-Sep-12 19:54:39 UTC from web
                        • !bcbronies Reminder: Stick around with the herd after the Metrotown Meetup (once we finish searching for toys) for the planned Pizza Hut Meet.

                          Sunday, 09-Sep-12 15:49:30 UTC from web
                        • !bcbronies I distinctly remember that was posted properly last night, must have gotten lost in the server move.

                          Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 00:08:12 UTC from web
                          • Reposting: !bcbronies We are holding a Pizza Hut Meet after the Metrotown Meetup on the 15th: http://www.bcbronies.org/forum/index.php/topic,586.0.html

                            Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 00:06:31 UTC from web
                            • !bcbronies - http://www.bcbronies.org/forum/index.php/topic,588.0.html

                              Monday, 03-Sep-12 20:35:10 UTC from web
                              • !etownstables !bcbronies !Calgary Hey all thought i might throw this up. Its a binder filled with all the MLP cards plus signatures from ALOT of the voice actors. Put up a bid if you want it. It saves you ALOT of money doing it yourself. ALl the work is done. http://derpy.me/6tDw6

                                Saturday, 01-Sep-12 03:37:29 UTC from web
                                • !bcbronies Reminder, there is only 1 1/2 hours left to RSVP for the Dinner and Karaoke. http://www.bcbronies.org/forum/index.php/topic,565.0.html

                                  Wednesday, 29-Aug-12 05:29:42 UTC from web
                                  • !bcbronies The Pinkiequest 1080p 20min video is now up! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXGiGwt4jSo

                                    Wednesday, 29-Aug-12 05:28:07 UTC from web
                                  • !bcbronies Don't forget, we're having Dinner and then Karaoke on Friday! (LIKE A BOSS) http://www.bcbronies.org/forum/index.php/topic,565.0.html

                                    Tuesday, 28-Aug-12 07:12:03 UTC from web