Vancouver, BC
http://www.youtube.com/user/vorpalguy?feature=mheeI'm just a crazy artist with a thing for unusual styles of dress and drawing ponies.
More details...Steve Rondeau (vorpalbob)
@colfax mom : i like the way you think
thanks everyone for your help the vorp has been located
his name on here is Vorpalbob/Steve. he is 6'4" with shaggy beach blonde hair grown out about 4 inches, he was carrying a guitar and small amp wearing a black trench coat and a black fedora with ponies on it
Sunday, 29-Apr-12 02:55:58 UTC from web -
@conventrix it was vancouverbronies
vorpal has not arrived home after meetup.does anyone know where he went or who he left with? mom
!vancouverbronies Hey, guys! Just stopping by to say that I will mos defs be at the meetup Saturday, and will likely be bringing some of my converts. I know I can trust you guys to properly indoctrinate them :D. In other news, I just got a Reddit account and have started posting stuff. Give it a look and upvote if you like! Here's my first post. http://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/q31ow/my_awesome_math_teacher_was_complaining_about_a/
Thursday, 23-Feb-12 22:25:49 UTC from web -
!vancouverbronies @mrphil That's impressive, dude! You going to FanExpo? We should hang there. I'm going as the Dread Pirate Roberts. :D @garyoak @mcbrony Drinking, you say? Gimme vodka, Peppermint Schnapps and chocolate milk, and I will supply you with endless DELICIOUSNESS. @andranator2 I /might/ make it. No promises, but I will try. My dad is typically pretty touchy about me going out on Fridays.
Thursday, 16-Feb-12 18:07:03 UTC from web -
@asvendius !vancouverbronies Skating would be pretty rad! I'm down.
Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 02:29:45 UTC from web -
@colfax One of a number of laws to basically keep things the same as under prohibition, while not banning alcohol outright. Also, the rich in Vancouver hated movies. Movie theatres had to fight for food licences, even.
!vancouverbronies OMIGOSH GUYS! Tonight is the last night the Rio can legally show movies, due to a stupid law from the 20s. And they're showing Rocky Horror at 11. I know this is short notice, but if you can make it, look for the dude outfront playing Rocky Horror songs on an SG. Guaranteed to be awesome, because RH always is. Laterz!
@bronymike !vancouverbronies Oh, of course. It's actually more important to me that there is a band staying at my house, who will play here and maybe even teach me a few things. The fact that it's her is just an added bonus. :P
Sunday, 22-Jan-12 05:04:01 UTC from web -
@bronymike !vancouverbronies Their Facebook page says they do, and I've heard it mentioned on The Peak radio station.
!vancouverbronies I need you guys to do me a favor. See, when Hey Ocean come to town, they need a place to stay. I have emailed them and offered my house. What I would like you guys who came to my house to do is to contact them and suggest my house. Mention my plethora of instruments, cool jam space, whatever; just make my house sound awesome. What's in it for you? If they do stay here, they'll do a free acoustic show! Say something about how your bro Steve has a great place. heyocean@heyocean.com Thanks in advance!
!vancouverbronies @tophat Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. @mcbrony I'll have a listen to some of their stuff, and if I like it, I am quite likely to attend. I also love live shows, and any gig with a good mosh pit is sure to be a good time.
Sunday, 22-Jan-12 00:11:13 UTC from web -
@tylendal Nah, it's fine. I've looked all over, but I haven't found anything. It could be underneath something, as there's a bit of a mess downstairs I haven't cleaned up.
Tuesday, 17-Jan-12 15:34:50 UTC from web -
!vancouverbronies Am I the only one who finds this picture terrifying on many levels? http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/6097/p120114003.jpg
!vancouverbronies Hey guys, thanks for coming yesterday! It was pretty awesome. Maybe if we ever do this again, we'll actually get around to playing a few songs. Or producing any noise that even approaches musicality :P. Nah, it was fun and I hope we do it again. Looking forward to the weekly meets! Now I'm off to Value Village to complete my Trixie costume. @tylendal I'm not sure, you might have. I'm at my dad's currently, so I won't be able to check until later today.
Sunday, 15-Jan-12 10:51:17 UTC from web -
@tylendal !vancouverbronies If you give him those, he will make them even more invisible. He fancies himself something of a magician. We plan on busking, me on guitar and stand-up comedy and him alternating between bass and magic.
Saturday, 14-Jan-12 09:30:52 UTC from web -
@underdogbassist I do. It's 100 watts, and has an XLR input so I use it for bass and vocals. Depending on how many of my electric instruments are being used, I might need both inputs, so if you can bring your own amp that would be best. Also, if both Waffles and another friend of mine end up coming, there will be three bassists in attendance. I expect bass solo wars to occur. !vancouverbronies One thing to note about tomorrow, though. I expanded the invite list to all of my friends who are at least vaguely musical, not all of whom are bronies. Don't worry about flying your pony flag though. They're all cool. Also, if you have a song you want to share, bring a few copies of a chord sheet or something so everypony else can follow along. I went through the mess of paper in my basement and found a bunch of songs, including one my band started writing a few years ago. Needless to say, it sucks. :P
Friday, 13-Jan-12 18:39:35 UTC from web -
Hey, all you !vancouverbronies! It is but a few days from my jam meetup, so I'll repost it to the top. As well, my play is showing next week from Tuesday to Friday at Sir Winston Churchill Secondary. Doors are at 6:30, show is at 7, tickets are $5. If any of you can make it, I promise a show with as many pony references as they would let me put in. We've had a lot of fun putting it together, and we feel really good about going onstage with it. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZCC483iRTuZmNnG3cNkog6W5bfDCrLiyHcnPv2zUxuA/edit?pli=1
Thursday, 12-Jan-12 09:37:58 UTC from web -
@tylendal I used to have an awesome electric organ, but it broke down beyond repair. My bassist has a keyboard he might be able to bring over, though. I'll talk to him. !vancouverbronies I think weekly meets might be a tad much, at least for myself. If they occur, I'll probably attend more like every other week. But meetups are good things!
Monday, 09-Jan-12 12:31:02 UTC from web -
@tequilasunrise !vancouverbronies Not quite, nice try. :P Understandable about Seattle, I get being busy. I've had so much going on with the play that I haven't slept in something like five days. http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111015171825/mlp/images/1/1e/Twilight_Sparkle_crazy_S02E03.png I've been considering not going, but hell. A chance to harangue border authorities should not be passed up lightly. :D
!vancouverbronies I finally got dates for the play I'm directing, and also acting in. I play a stage magician. An internet muffin to whoever guesses my character's name. :P Anyway, the show runs from the 17th to the 20th of January, and is in the auditorium of Sir Winston Churchill Secondary. I'll let you guys know when I have more info, like time and tickets. It'd be great if you guys came out to see us!
@tigerdusk !vancouverbronies Whatever mood strikes us. There will probably be a good amount of pony music, but I'm quite partial to the blues and rockabilly type stuff, which is fun and easy to mess around with. If you have any songs you want to play, I guess make sure it's relatively well known and made up of simple chords. Or, just start playing a series of chords or notes or whatever, and a rhythm will start around you. Jamming is Magic. :) A few of my personal favorite songs to improv over are the ever classic Johnny B. Goode, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8JULmUlGDA , Rock This Town, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-0uOkg5onc , and Back in the USSR. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxyISsA0Oh0 But really, as long as you're willing to make a fool of yourself, jamming is always a blast.
Hey, @dawnstar! Welcome to our humble !vancouverbronies group! Are you of a musical persuasion? If not, who cares! Join us on the 14th anyway! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZCC483iRTuZmNnG3cNkog6W5bfDCrLiyHcnPv2zUxuA/edit?pli=1
@tequilasunrise !vancouverbronies Assuming you want the ones in the show-accurate key, the good ones are as follows: Theme song, the chords one at the top is pretty gorramn close. GatG, the top chords are correct. Evil Enchantress don't even bother, the song doesn't have chords. :P Winter Wrap Up, Piranhaplant's chords are the closest of them, though still feel a bit off in some sections when playing along with the original. Cupcakes, the top chords again. For art of the dress, the top chords are technically right with the capo. Dsus4 is just the open D chord with your pinkie on the third fret of the top string. The tabs at the bottom are pretty good, as well, but I dislike fingerpicking stuff while singing. But that's just me. :P The chords for Hush Now Quiet Now are nearly perfect, and this song is a ton of fun to belt out, even if you're not a 13-year-old girl who inexplicably sounds like a gospel singer. CMC theme song chords are pretty close, and it's a fun song.
!vancouverbronies Great, this is just great. I've been talking about the jam session for weeks now, and TODAY they decide to tell me about the family trip to Whistler on the 15th. So, It's gonna have to be on the 14th. Ah, well. At least it's still happening!
!vancouverbronies My google(docs)-fu is weak. THIS link should allow you to edit. My bad. :P https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZCC483iRTuZmNnG3cNkog6W5bfDCrLiyHcnPv2zUxuA/edit
Sunday, 01-Jan-12 03:15:19 UTC from web -
@irresponsiblesnowflake The fact that you say that means you know very little of my mother. :P !vancouverbronies Unfortunately, my attendance tomorrow is... unlikely. I will try to make it, but it's doubtful. I will be going down to Seattle on the 8th, regardless of whether any of you bums are joining me. Travelling to random vaguely foreign places is a hobby of mine I need to indulge more. Reposting this to the top... https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZCC483iRTuZmNnG3cNkog6W5bfDCrLiyHcnPv2zUxuA/edit
!vancouverbronies I hope you legal ponies had fun drinking! I have discussed the issue with my mother, and she is totally fine with a bunch of crazy internet bronies with instruments invading her house for a day. So, here you are: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZCC483iRTuZmNnG3cNkog6W5bfDCrLiyHcnPv2zUxuA/edit