Spencer's home timeline


  1. any pony wanna join !Pronies?

    Tuesday, 29-Jan-13 04:32:25 UTC from web
    • :3

      Tuesday, 29-Jan-13 04:11:17 UTC from web
    • @snowcone so? It won't be my fault when I die

      Tuesday, 29-Jan-13 03:45:53 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    • @widget For now, it should be legal. I hope to keep it that way to.

      Tuesday, 29-Jan-13 03:55:45 UTC from web
    • :p

      Tuesday, 29-Jan-13 03:23:59 UTC from web
      • @thatonestocking You're the only person I've ever met who thinks Fire Red and Leaf Green aren't part of Gen 3.

        Tuesday, 29-Jan-13 03:02:36 UTC from web
      • i feel so lonly

        Tuesday, 29-Jan-13 02:35:31 UTC from web
      • Ranbo Dos Nut

        Tuesday, 29-Jan-13 01:50:39 UTC from web
      • Hia everypony!]

        Tuesday, 29-Jan-13 02:29:31 UTC from web
        • hia every pony!

          Sunday, 27-Jan-13 16:04:59 UTC from web
        • Yea I'm not the most confident person but the brony community is so nice so I gained some confidence

          Saturday, 26-Jan-13 18:17:00 UTC from web
        • Mustard isn't working for me

          Saturday, 26-Jan-13 18:23:52 UTC from web
          • Yep how long have you been a brony

            Saturday, 26-Jan-13 18:12:33 UTC from web
          • Ok I can fell fine again

            Saturday, 26-Jan-13 17:31:05 UTC from web
          • SKRILLEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            Saturday, 26-Jan-13 17:31:33 UTC from web
          • I like your name your knead after my favorite slurpy

            Saturday, 26-Jan-13 17:11:44 UTC from web
          • Yeah hey have u seen Eurobeat brony discord remix

            Saturday, 26-Jan-13 17:03:35 UTC from web
          • Hia every pony! :D

            Saturday, 26-Jan-13 16:49:38 UTC from web
          • Um I can't comp is broken I'm on my kindle

            Saturday, 26-Jan-13 17:01:22 UTC from web
          • Why play Minecraft when you can play A Game of Dwarves.

            Saturday, 26-Jan-13 04:51:59 UTC from web
          • :p

            Saturday, 26-Jan-13 05:00:12 UTC from web
            • :/

              Saturday, 26-Jan-13 04:58:32 UTC from web
              • sadly

                Saturday, 26-Jan-13 04:58:29 UTC from web
                • Im gonna be the youngest there!

                  Saturday, 26-Jan-13 04:58:23 UTC from web
                • Question: how the f do I replace a tablet pen nib

                  Saturday, 26-Jan-13 04:16:23 UTC from web
                • only if minecraft was free...

                  Saturday, 26-Jan-13 04:38:42 UTC from web
                • My family's visiting. Prepare for me to be on RDN a lot.

                  Saturday, 26-Jan-13 02:27:35 UTC from web
                • Did anyone watch today's episode?

                  Saturday, 26-Jan-13 02:38:38 UTC from web
                • mushi here?

                  Saturday, 26-Jan-13 02:49:06 UTC from web
                • i was typing with my keybord up side down x3 Hia everypony! :D

                  Saturday, 26-Jan-13 02:48:31 UTC from web