Notices by Brian Shepherd (flutterguy41), page 4

  1. @mrbrown atm i'm just listening to boards of canada =]

    Sunday, 21-Aug-11 01:58:11 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  2. @stumperman07 yay!! !hugs

    Sunday, 21-Aug-11 01:57:38 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  3. @hoit21 Oh nothing much, just enjoying my days off =]

    Sunday, 21-Aug-11 01:57:26 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  4. Hey everypony !hugs

    Sunday, 21-Aug-11 01:56:10 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  5. How goes it mah bronies?! !hugs

    Saturday, 20-Aug-11 04:45:28 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  6. @stumperman07 Ok, was making sure it wasn't just me =P

    Monday, 15-Aug-11 18:08:30 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  7. can anyone else get on right now?

    Monday, 15-Aug-11 18:06:17 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  8. @zachariastargazer pming??

    Monday, 15-Aug-11 05:18:57 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  9. @pinhooves YAY!!

    Monday, 15-Aug-11 05:06:51 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  10. @abigpony Gov'ner is out, leave a messege.

    Monday, 15-Aug-11 05:06:25 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  11. @zachariastargazer O! Well it seems to have died down so I can't say I am =P

    Monday, 15-Aug-11 05:05:42 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  12. @zachariastargazer What's a no?

    Monday, 15-Aug-11 05:05:19 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  13. Ello !hugs

    Monday, 15-Aug-11 04:37:25 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  14. @nvrrmbr Indeed good sir, more honk.

    Monday, 15-Aug-11 04:33:35 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  15. @hoit21 Welp, i'm getting pretty sleepy so I believe it's my bedtime. Goodnight!!

    Sunday, 14-Aug-11 07:48:33 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  16. @hoit21 I would love to meet some bronies here in OKC but the nearest meet up is like two hours away =/

    Sunday, 14-Aug-11 07:45:08 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  17. @hoit21 Yes!!! I could go for a caramel apple

    Sunday, 14-Aug-11 07:34:08 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  18. @hoit21 WWWWOOOOOO!!!!

    Sunday, 14-Aug-11 07:30:10 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  19. @mrbrown nighty night!!

    Sunday, 14-Aug-11 07:29:59 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
  20. @mrbrown The ponies have once again stopped my turning. Thank god for another bananassterless day XD

    Sunday, 14-Aug-11 07:24:11 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  21. @hoit21 I looked at my neon pony background and all was made right. Hurry, do the same!! IT'S NOT TOO LATE!! D':

    Sunday, 14-Aug-11 07:23:25 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  22. @mrn4rmn4rm It's a good one =] keep watching!!

    Sunday, 14-Aug-11 07:20:14 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  23. @hoit21 Need... pony... asap...

    Sunday, 14-Aug-11 07:19:52 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  24. @mrbrown HAI!! Me and Hoit are just turning into murdocksters, no big deal.

    Sunday, 14-Aug-11 07:19:36 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  25. @hoit21 Everyone, get away from us!! You'll catch the cherriesster!!

    Sunday, 14-Aug-11 07:16:47 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  26. @mrn4rmn4rm OMG I love that show!! XD

    Sunday, 14-Aug-11 07:16:14 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  27. @hoit21 There's no hope for either of us!! WE'RE DOOOOOMED!!

    Sunday, 14-Aug-11 07:08:10 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  28. @mrn4rmn4rm P&S??

    Sunday, 14-Aug-11 07:07:19 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  29. @stumperman07 I wish I could bring myself to play new vegas but everytime I try I get bored so quickly.

    Sunday, 14-Aug-11 07:06:31 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  30. @hoit21 I can't stop you. I find myself saying it sometimes too. It's like an addiction i've come to terms with. Just give in my friend, just give in.

    Sunday, 14-Aug-11 07:05:35 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context