flutterguy41 groups

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  • Secret Butt Fun: A Plot and Pony Show secretbuttfun Secret Butt Fun: A Plot and Pony Show http://derpibooru.org/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&sbq=plot&commit=Go

    Watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic for the plot? Join us! Post pony plot for Secret Butt Funs. Alternatively, post Secret Butt Funs for [plot] points! Don't be picky, post the plot!

  • Tulsa Bronies tulsabronies Tulsa Bronies Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

    A brony group for anypony located in and around the greater Tulsa area. Yes, it's really a group in Oklahoma! We have a forum! http://z13.invisionfree.com/Tulsa_Bronies/index.php?act=idx

  • CSI: Miami one-liners csi CSI: Miami one-liners Miami

    Do you like leaving behind terrible puns after putting on your sunglasses? Because I thought I'd... B-|... group them together. YEAAAAHHHHH