GhostWolf2398's home timeline


  1. !utahbronies Sounds fun, I'll try and bring some spiderman cupcakes. That said, Liberty Park is a big place. Do we have any idea where we'll be meeting there?

    Monday, 19-Sep-11 23:50:02 UTC from web
    • !utahbronies Hey Everypony, sorry there hasn't been too much activity in our group lately. I wanted to let you know that there will be a meetup at Liberty Park on September 24th. It will be from 12:00 - 5:00 Pm. Hope to see you there. If you have any questions, let me know.

      Saturday, 10-Sep-11 20:19:05 UTC from web
    • @eliaphir !utahbronies Is the meetup planning happening offline, or here?

      Thursday, 08-Sep-11 01:55:00 UTC from web
    • !utahbronies !ponytoycollectors # SCORE!!!! Fashion Fluttershy is mine!!!!! *happy dance*, *happy fall over*, *happy recomposes self* She was 12.99 at my "local" 60 miles away TRU. There's 3 left, in case any of yous guys are here in UT.

      Monday, 05-Sep-11 21:29:10 UTC from web
    • !utahbronies today at DI I saw like a dozen little horse toys. No they weren't ponies, "realistic" looking horses with brushable hair. Smeone must've donated their collection. I bought my first pony toy at DI but haven't had much luck since. The dirth of new waves still keeps me checking. #

      Sunday, 04-Sep-11 03:45:34 UTC from web
    • @gabumon Hey, buddy. Same Gab from TFW, right?

      Saturday, 03-Sep-11 04:56:36 UTC from web
    • !utahbronies Heyall. Are you guys interested in coordinating G4 Toys/Merch sightings here in UT?. Like for example UT Family Dollars have Wave 3 of MLP! I got them all :P, but there's still some left here up north. (sorry about the posts, I think i got it this time. i'm a newb)

      Friday, 02-Sep-11 21:21:08 UTC from web
      • i love how big mac is on the icon for !utahbronies ^^

        Friday, 02-Sep-11 02:16:13 UTC from web
        • !utahbronies Ok, so I'll be on a trip from Seattle to... a bunch of places. I think I'll be in Salt Lake City during Sep 1st. Any meetups planned there?

          Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 07:46:58 UTC from web
          • @eliaphir So ya mean any planned formal meetups will probably be after September 17th, right? Okya. BTW, I heard we might not even have time to stay and probably'll just have to pass Salt Lake City. But if anyone wants to meet, I'll try and see if I can make some time, somehow.

            Friday, 26-Aug-11 07:30:22 UTC in context
        • !utahbronies @ponyshock Is there a guide to this site? I'm new here

          Saturday, 20-Aug-11 02:36:28 UTC from web
        • !utahbronies @thunderboomer You don't need to have a Facebook, but there is much more activity there. Feel free to post here, I am sure those in the Utah Brony group would be happy to respond.

          Saturday, 20-Aug-11 01:54:44 UTC from web
          • !utahbronies Okay guys, it is getting quiet around here, but I know that there is a lot more discussion on our Facebook counterpart. If you have a Facebook, I would suggest joining the group. Just search Utah Bronies and we should come up. Otherwise, how is everypony?

            Tuesday, 16-Aug-11 14:54:58 UTC from web
          • !utahbronies @somedroxy Meetup details and other things in the works are currently being discussed by group leaders, I like the idea of a beacon though. Admins, we'll need to discuss that. And the other things we left kinda half-finished X3

            Friday, 05-Aug-11 22:09:24 UTC from web
          • !utahbronies No, we don't really talk too much. When a meetup comes up in discussion though, that usually brings up a lot of conversation. If you guys have any ideas for anything, please let me or one of the admins know. A lot of discussion goes on in the Facebook Bronies Group. You might want to look there, but we do talk to each other here. Just not as much.

            Friday, 05-Aug-11 19:56:49 UTC from web
            • !utahbronies @thunderboomer Yea, from what I've seen so far.

              Friday, 05-Aug-11 19:48:50 UTC from web
              • !utahbronies I'm getting spamed to death by the other groups I'm following, but you guys are kinda quiet, huh?

                Friday, 05-Aug-11 18:03:12 UTC from web
                • @enditrust Welcome, you should check out !utahbronies.

                  Friday, 05-Aug-11 01:57:29 UTC from web
                  • !utahbronies Woah! Talking about the next meetup. This gets me excited... Yeah, I was sorta lost too. There was a moment of "Where the fuc-OHAI, GUIZ!"

                    Thursday, 04-Aug-11 05:59:57 UTC from web
                    • !utahbronies I noticed that at the last meeting, people only knew the general area of where the meetup was to take place. So I propose that next time, we have a beacon, one that bronies can easily recognize. A bundle of white balloons (for a cloud) with a large paper rainbowbolt (rainbolt?) coming down.

                      Thursday, 04-Aug-11 04:39:11 UTC from web
                    • !utahbronies How does this site work? owO

                      Thursday, 04-Aug-11 04:16:22 UTC from web
                    • !utahbronies I finally joined. Woot!!!

                      Thursday, 04-Aug-11 04:06:31 UTC from web
                    • !utahbronies @vivthefeline @eliaphir I personally don't think that we should have another meetup planned so soon, without an actual plan. I think we should take this month to compile some ideas and such that we can use in our future endeavors. Perhaps we should all participate in an email list again. If we had a better plan, than maybe, but if we all use email, than I am sure you can participate too Viv. Let me know what you guys think.

                      Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 03:48:43 UTC from web
                      • !utahbronies @ponyshock @eliaphir Incidentally, will you guys be planning an August meetup while I'm away? #

                        Tuesday, 26-Jul-11 23:30:06 UTC from web
                        • @ponyshock @eliaphir !utahbronies This will be quite awesome. ^_^

                          Tuesday, 26-Jul-11 23:25:08 UTC from web
                          • !utahbronies @circuitmane @vivthefeline @eliaphir That idea works for me, as long as everyone agrees, I think it works. Besides, three peoples resources are better than one in most cases. Okay guys, lets do this!

                            Tuesday, 26-Jul-11 19:42:15 UTC from web
                            • !utahbronies Okay, I don't know who and who hasn't seen it, but the Brony Meetup got into Equestria Daily. The link can be found here:

                              Tuesday, 26-Jul-11 19:40:28 UTC from web
                              • !utahbronies @vivthefeline I believe you are right. Okay well I was thinking about finding a way to decide who should lead of you three, but then I thought about why not have you three be the leaders. Each of you could work out plans and places for the meetups, and with 3 you could each come up with good activities. How does that sound?

                                Tuesday, 26-Jul-11 06:02:22 UTC from web
                                • !utahbronies @ponygeist Dear God, no. I appreciate the offer, but I'd run the group straight into the ground.

                                  Tuesday, 26-Jul-11 00:40:11 UTC from web
                                  • @circuitmane !utahbronies I believe that's all, sir.

                                    Tuesday, 26-Jul-11 00:38:49 UTC from web
                                    • !utahbronies If you haven't seen it: The first Brony Meet Up, brought to you by @circuitmane

                                      Monday, 25-Jul-11 23:54:11 UTC from web
                                      • Milo repeated this.