GhostWolf2398's home timeline


  1. !utahbronies meetup results

    Sunday, 24-Feb-13 19:57:23 UTC from web
    • !utahbronies Pre-registration is up for the Crystal Mountain Pony Convention (formerly Equestriacon), to be held at the Red Lion Hotel in SLC.

      Sunday, 03-Feb-13 00:28:51 UTC from web
      • !utahbronies B.U.C.K. group page (Bronies of Utah County Konnect) next meetup date is Feb 16 at 7 pm

        Wednesday, 30-Jan-13 08:08:31 UTC from web
        • !utahbronies another SLC meetup, this one, like the Orem one, will be a screenign of the Brony Documentary I guess

          Monday, 28-Jan-13 09:52:55 UTC from web
          • !utahbronies I'm so happy there's going to be a meetup less than 20 minutes away! (in Orem)

            Monday, 28-Jan-13 08:58:12 UTC from web
            • !utahbronies I find it amusing that it's named the same as the UK con. XD I'm totally going to this,

              Monday, 28-Jan-13 08:49:12 UTC from web
              • Hey Bronies! I am from Las Vegas and moved up to SLC not to long ago, any meet ups of any sort going one? !utahbronies

                Monday, 21-Jan-13 23:44:39 UTC from web
              • β€œIt's snowing still," said Eeyore gloomily. "So it is." "And freezing." "Is it?" "Yes," said Eeyore. "However," he said, brightening up a little, "we haven't had an earthquake lately.” ― A.A. Milne !Utahbronies

                Friday, 11-Jan-13 20:49:02 UTC from web
                • !utahbronies nice work mang

                  Sunday, 06-Jan-13 19:38:44 UTC from web
                  • Um, are there any Brony Meetup's in Idaho and are there any Bronies that are either near or in Boise? I'm just wondering, because I'm going to be at Mountain Home next year, which isn't very far from Boise.

                    Sunday, 05-Aug-12 21:30:29 UTC from web
                  • @crimsondragon There's only one meetup group listed on RDN and it's !Utahbronies. On Facebook there are 2 that i know of but only one is active and both are for Salt Lake City (the capital city). I live in Provo which is just an hour away, but i thought I'd like to host a meetup locally.

                    Saturday, 30-Jun-12 05:45:01 UTC from web
                  • :*(

                    Tuesday, 26-Jun-12 17:12:24 UTC from web
                  • WHY AM I BACK IN UTAH?!?!?! Also, does !utahbronies still function?

                    Saturday, 16-Jun-12 18:24:04 UTC from web
                    • !utahbronies I've put up Pinkie Pie signs on building 6D where the basement room is to help guide everypony. Who better to guide you to a brony meetup right?

                      Saturday, 24-Mar-12 13:20:11 UTC from web
                      • @matrixjorel excellent! I hope you can make it! If you join the !Utahbronies group I think you should by default receive automatic updates whenever anypony sends a message there. Here's the Facebook group for Utah Bronies as well in case you need it: I'm on RDN most nights in case you have questions.

                        Sunday, 18-Mar-12 10:53:58 UTC from web
                        • Hello everypony out there! Just logging on for the first time EVER! Hopefully I can find some bronies or pegasisters out there to hang out with, i'm tired of being a party of one, about to go Pinkamina on everyone here!

                          Sunday, 18-Mar-12 10:32:59 UTC from web
                        • !Utahbronies The event schedule has been set and ride info has been added.

                          Saturday, 17-Mar-12 23:29:17 UTC from web
                          • !Utahbronies Update on the proposed mare-athon event -- It will be held on Sat. the 24th, next week from 10 am to 9 pm. I've created an event page here: Please RSVP there or to !Utahbronies if it's not too much trouble. In any case, feel free to come for any length of time. We'll be making a run to Toys R Us and possibly Michael's and Joann's early on for toys and crafting supplies. Thanks! I'll stash some drawing supplies at the location in case of drawing emergency as well.

                            Friday, 16-Mar-12 23:27:01 UTC from web
                            • !Utahbronies Hay bronies and pegasisters. I'd like to host an informal mare-athon for the first season in Provo. There's space in the basement of my complex and I have the iTunes HD episodes which can play off of an external hard drive on my Bluray player. I may even be able to borrow a projector for the full theater experience. If anypony is interested please let me know. The only thing I think I should mention is that there's no smoking or alcohol allowed in or near my complex since I live on BYU campus, and there's no guarantee of phone reception or wireless internet in the basement. Some other ideas I have for the day include making a run to the local Toys R Us and McDonalds, and maybe Michaels for some custom pony crafting supplies to enjoy while we watch the episodes. If enough of us are interested I'll set up an event. Check out Facebook here for details:

                              Thursday, 15-Mar-12 06:43:12 UTC from web
                            • @pony yea they had a meetup at a bowling alley on the 18th

                              Monday, 20-Feb-12 11:37:45 UTC from web
                            • i learned about the event through the !utahbronies page

                              Monday, 20-Feb-12 11:42:59 UTC from web
                              • !utahbronies there is a meet up this Saturday at 2:00pm at Bonwood bowling alley; 2500 South Main Street, South Salt Lake, UT 84115

                                Friday, 17-Feb-12 01:41:05 UTC from web
                                • @jojoax stay in touch! maybe we can get a group of !utahbronies together for a meetup sometime. I'd like to do a mareathon or something.

                                  Thursday, 16-Feb-12 11:56:19 UTC from web
                                  • New to everything, so I'll need time to adjust! Oh, one more thing...GIMME DETAILS ON BRONY MEETS!

                                    Sunday, 29-Jan-12 18:12:55 UTC from web
                                  • mm... I'm feeling a bit restless. everyone in !utahbronies is inactive except on FB.. and I dislike FB.

                                    Saturday, 21-Jan-12 03:29:22 UTC from web
                                    • !utahbronies Anypony interested in meeting up soon? I'm happy to host, but I should mention that my place is pitifully small and is located in Provo. Even if only one or two of us can make it, I'd like to do a marathon for season 1.

                                      Friday, 20-Jan-12 08:19:18 UTC from web
                                    • !utahbronies Sick meetup, guys. We should do this again soon!

                                      Sunday, 25-Sep-11 00:23:32 UTC from web
                                    • !utahbronies I'm going to the meet up! See ya all around 1pm ish.

                                      Saturday, 24-Sep-11 14:51:51 UTC from web
                                      • !utahbronies I'm bringing pony toys and transformers to trade at the meet! Bring your trades on saturday too!!

                                        Thursday, 22-Sep-11 13:37:11 UTC from web
                                        • !utahbronies Totes read that as "Pioneer Park". Guess I'll leave the drug money at home. I'll be there, gentlemen. Be ready.

                                          Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 00:39:43 UTC from web