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Albuquerque Bronies

Albuquerque Bronies


Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

A group of fun-loving, laid-back Bronies and Ponies from Albuquerque, the Land of Enchantment!
If you live in or near Abq, and you love Pinkie Pie as much as the rest of us, come on!
Join the Herd. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are taking over. We are controlling transmission. And if you join, you'll be 20% cooler in ten seconds flat! =D

Albuquerque Bronies (abqbronies) group


  1. Abq Bronies Has Moved To Facebook Guys We Dont Use This PlatForm Any Longer Please Goto Facebook And Type abqbronies We Need To Get The Group Active Again abqbronies I Want To Hang Out And Talk About Ponies And Do Fun And Exciting Things Here In The Land Of Enchantment So Please Goto Our Facebook Abq_Bronies Thanks And Hope To See You There (/ BroHoof

    Sunday, 23-Oct-16 19:05:10 UTC from web
    • Im kinda sad ill never get to go to a meetup

      Friday, 24-Jun-16 01:35:51 UTC from web
    • Hey is this group still active

      Tuesday, 21-Jun-16 21:28:55 UTC from web
    • So who here is going to Sabaku Con this weekend?

      Wednesday, 09-Apr-14 21:26:53 UTC from web at 35°6'38"N 106°36'35"W
    • Hey there peeps! Sorry I've been so quiet lately, life really is trying it's best to find me in the alps (if you don't get the reference, please watch DBZ Abridged by Team Four Star). I am still alive, however, and trying to keep as close an eye on this group as I can! I started it, and have a responsibility to do my part. However I would not be adverse to a few more Admins....The group is steadily growing, and Negi and I don't have the time, energy, or in some cases funds to keep things moving smoothly on our own.

      Saturday, 18-Jan-14 01:21:41 UTC from web
      • @rabidchama hey bro im new to the group but not to the fandom ive been a brony since 2011 just like you so i am an admin and i would like to help run the group with events and stuff is there anyway you can give me acces to the group to help run it i have been planning events lately even on the facebook page it shows alot of events i planned thanks

        Wednesday, 18-Jan-17 22:11:36 UTC in context
      • @raritymlp2017 Hi there! I'm sorry for the late responses, but things have been rather hectic. To you, and anypony else who's curious, I plan on using Facebook as the primary source for meetups and other events, but understand f there are those who'd prefer the relative anonymity of RDN. ;)

        Monday, 23-Jan-17 23:21:38 UTC in context
    • !abqbronies meetup this Saturday (Jan 18) at 2:00 at UNM's Dominici Center ( Watch episodes and PIE EATING CONTEST!

      Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 15:22:18 UTC from web
      • !abqbronies Hearth's Warming Eve Part at UNM's dominici auditorium (Map: at 2:00 pm on Saturday, December 7th. Watch new episodes, participate in the gift exchange or bake something for the cookie contest!

        Thursday, 28-Nov-13 02:36:22 UTC from web
        • Any Santa Fe area Bronies here? I just moved here from Atlanta and am super-excited for the new season and the new MLP CCG!

          Friday, 22-Nov-13 02:34:37 UTC from web
          • !abqbronies At the season premier party there will be a cosplay contest, judged by the ABQ Brony facebook group admins. Points will be awarded to cosplayers based on originality, quality, enthusiasm, and judge's opinion. Grand prize is a limited edition, con exclusive, derpy card poster!

            Monday, 18-Nov-13 02:58:15 UTC from web
            • !abqbronies Season 4 Premier Party in UNM's Dominici Auditorium (map: ) on Saturday November 23rd beginning at 2:00. We'll watch the Magical Mystery Cure and then move boldly into a new seaon. The brony cafe will be there with cupcakes available.

              Monday, 04-Nov-13 17:03:18 UTC from web
            • !abqbronies @sithbunny that's right, every friday at east-side kaboom at 6:00. Just show up! @desertbrony I think there's a farmington brony group on facebook.

              Tuesday, 15-Oct-13 20:42:32 UTC from web
              • !Abqbronies Hay im back into the good old ABQ and looking for friends to hang out with and just general tomfoolery with. you guys still meeting up at kaboom would love to get in on that do i need to RSVP or just crash the party?

                Sunday, 13-Oct-13 19:55:20 UTC from web
              • !abqbronies hey everypony! glad to see im not the only brony for 150 miles, oh wait.. im in gallup and might be the only one for 150 miles :( still happy to find other bronys that aren't 1 or 2 states away (gallup is about in the middle of nowhere for just about everything, sand, clay and rocks excepted) when is the next meetup? or the next few? and where at? i might be able to come to one if its not at 11:00 PM and in some random shack in some random lot of sand, rocks and sagebrush (lol)

                Wednesday, 02-Oct-13 06:38:14 UTC from web
              • !abqbronies Thanks for fielding that for me Billy. He's right, MEETUP AT WESTSIDE KABOOM TEST LAB EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT AT 6. Come meet people! We play games and have fun. Hope to see some of you tomorrow!

                Friday, 30-Aug-13 02:48:02 UTC from web
              • !abqbronies future reference for those wondering, we generally always have a meetup on friday.

                Friday, 23-Aug-13 02:07:42 UTC from web
                • !abqbronies hey so when is the next meet up

                  Monday, 22-Jul-13 19:35:22 UTC from web
                • !abqbronies This is so awesome! think i might be a little to shy to actually ever attend anything thought ^^;

                  Friday, 16-Aug-13 08:33:42 UTC from web
                • !abqbronies do yall know when the next meetup is?

                  Sunday, 11-Aug-13 14:10:50 UTC from web
                  • !abqbronies MUSIQUESTRIA CONCERT! 8 Brony Artists, right here in ABQ! Monday, July 15th from 7:00 till midnight in the Colorado room of the Crown Plaza Hotel. Tickets are $10 online ( or $12 at the door!

                    Wednesday, 10-Jul-13 18:18:14 UTC from web
                  • !abqbronies MUSIQUESTRIA CONCERT! 8 Brony Artists, right here in ABQ! Monday, July 15th from 7:00 till midnight in the Colorado room of the Crown Plaza Hotel. Tickets are $10 online ( or $12 at the door!

                    Wednesday, 10-Jul-13 18:18:07 UTC from web
                  • !abqbronies @lunausbestprincess @derpyisbestpony221 Sorry for being pretty absent recently, summer is crazy busy. ANYWAY: we have a board game meetup every fridayat 6:00 at the eastside Kaboom and we're ironing out the details on a Musiquestria concert on the 15th (stay tuned! I'll post again when tickets are available).

                    Wednesday, 10-Jul-13 01:51:22 UTC from web
                    • !abqbronies so when is the next meetup?

                      Tuesday, 09-Jul-13 21:36:19 UTC from web
                      • !abqbronies Two meetups this week. Friday is Game Night, 6:00 at east-side kaboom. Saturday is the monthly UNM meetup, 2:00 at UNM's Dominici auditorium.

                        Monday, 27-May-13 12:09:21 UTC from web
                      • !abqbronies what i did on minecraft

                        Tuesday, 25-Jun-13 21:17:05 UTC from web
                        • !abqbronies when is the next meetup?

                          Tuesday, 25-Jun-13 21:03:00 UTC from web
                          • !abqbronies Last minute Movie Meetup: Tomorrow (May 21st) we're meeting at UNM's Dominici center to watch some movies starting at 11 and going till we get kicked out. Bring your favorite DVDs!

                            Tuesday, 21-May-13 01:12:04 UTC from web
                            • !abqbronies Anyone going to # (Albuquerque Comic Expo) this year?

                              Saturday, 18-May-13 04:14:47 UTC from web
                            • !abqbronies Correction: Frisbee-Park Meetup has been bumped back a week to Saturday the 25th.

                              Friday, 17-May-13 18:12:04 UTC from web
                              • !abqbronies Suprise last-minute meetup: Montgomery Park (San Mateo and Comanche), Saturday the 18th at 2:00. We'll hangout and play some frisbee and such.

                                Friday, 17-May-13 14:05:41 UTC from web
                                • !abqbronies The next meetup is this Friday, at the east-side Kaboom Test Labs (1510 Wyoming Blvd NE Ste D) starting at 6:00 pm (is meetup reoccures every week at the same time an place). It's game night so bring a board game! @derpyisbestpony22123 @lunaisbestprincess Hope to see you there!

                                  Monday, 13-May-13 17:25:51 UTC from web