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!lolschool cogburn rooster
Anywhere with places of learning
Sometimes you do not want to go to school... You are not alone :p
lolschool (lolschool) group
Hey who here else hates school raise a hoof /)
Tuesday, 29-Jan-13 05:59:44 UTC from web-
@pokestrike I didn't hate primary school but I am not digging university.
@yodelerty But uni is best :c
Monday, 19-Nov-12 00:06:24 UTC from web
- RDN's Lucifer likes this.
Hello everyone! ^_^
What's up y'all?
Tuesday, 24-Jul-12 01:48:46 UTC from web -
@noirbatch @flaredancer Oh geez I'm confused..
Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 22:27:03 UTC from web-
@cajunbrony23 yeah sorry in good time
@noirbatch Scool
@erfunden Howdy #newishpony Welcome ^_^ Also you are using them right like right now my school is being noodly !lolschool XD How are you today?
Friday, 15-Jun-12 20:33:40 UTC from web -
Ok, school...
@derpyshy I dont get it
@renovatedkitchen Colgate is gone...
@derpyshy i know. But my cache still has her. Good enough.
!lolschool time
Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 10:56:11 UTC from web-
@askingstarlight lol
hello everypony!
Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 06:54:32 UTC from web-
@askingstarlight :D
Monday, 04-Jun-12 19:04:11 UTC from web
@starlight lies!
@lyrica Its not lies, YOUZ BEEZ ADORABLE
@newpatrol thanks :3
Monday, 04-Jun-12 10:52:39 UTC from web
im back. Ughhhh I really dont want to go to school >_>
Monday, 04-Jun-12 10:22:32 UTC from web-
@snowswoop I was called disgusting for being a brony by someone I knew within the group I hang with. I havent been around them in about 2 weeks. One of my good friends who are starting to seem like a best friend has been hanging with me everyday ever since. Her boyfriend is a brony so thats probebly why, plus she watched herself. EVeryday me and her would just sit and talk at lunch.
@comradeconventrix Im neither, i have an extreme low self esteem and is scared of everything. SO I dont think I can overcome and confront. (I going to school, wish I can talk more)
@starlight :c
!lolschool there it is :P
Monday, 04-Jun-12 10:36:06 UTC from web