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Maretroid - RDN fans of the adventures of Samus Aran
!maretroid metroid
SR388 & Zebes
The Metroid games are awesome. Er, yeah.
Maretroid - RDN fans of the adventures of Samus Aran (maretroid) group
I can see from my replies I missed interesting discussions about me :D
Monday, 28-Nov-11 13:46:45 UTC from web-
@pawnheart The super.. Oh wait I know the game now, never played it though.
@mrdragon Ooooh its gooooooooooooood! Well, I think so, anyhoo
@mrdragon Awww...poor thing that's still not terribly fast. Though I'm glad you can enjoy it now. ^^ I'm ok, you hunky stallion. hehe. Just doing the usual thing today hehe. I hope you feel better too, no fun to be sniffly. I was only the razor's edge of being ill the last few weeks, but it seems I have dodge that bullet hehe.
New group... !maretroid.
Monday, 28-Nov-11 12:29:33 UTC from web-
@pawnheart More like @punheart am I right.
@thelastgherkin I don't get it.