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Boy, Bronies sure are dumb! Aren't all these dumb projects hillarious? Tell us, what's your favorite stupid idea?
My Favorite Stupid Idea (myfavoritestupididea) group
Monday, 23-Jul-12 05:13:20 UTC from web
- Madeline 'Maddie' "Maddrks" likes this.
@starlightbolt [sp]"nqq travgnyvn gb nyy bs gur fubj'f sbbgntr"[/sp]
@redenchilada Hrm. Now that I look into it, I can't actually see anything that looks like what I thought I read before. You should probably keep your faith in humanity at its original level for now. :<
@redenchilada That has to be a joke too... right?
!myfavoritestupididea Giving Canterlot Gardens commercial airtime on The HUB in the already-stupid-idea of the "brony thank you" commercial. This was already a disaster. Now it's going to be a catastrophe.
Tuesday, 15-May-12 12:07:01 UTC from web