Group actions

Ottawa Bronies (Nation's Capital!)

Ottawa Bronies (Nation's Capital!)

!ottawabronies bronyottawa capitalbronies ottawabronys

Ottawa, Canada

Ottawa Bronies (Pony up in the Nation's Capital!)

Ottawa Bronies (Nation's Capital!) (ottawabronies) group, page 10


  1. !ottawabronies @djmidli Me and @sirderpyhooves were talking and we think the best coarse of action would be to have a meet up at lazer quest. It is indoors and last time I was there it was still fun.(though it was long ago and I have no idea about the price of it nowadays .) This is merely a suggestion and of coarse the meet up dose not have to be right away. because im not sure about derpy but i would prefer it to be thought out and not rushed like the last one lol. even though the last one was fun as hay. p.s. As I said this is merely a suggestion so the final decision is up to you and the rest of the group.

    Saturday, 04-Feb-12 07:26:13 UTC from web
    • @djmidli !ottawabronies thxs ya if we are sirus fo it add me up on face book im martin prouse my pic is tails from the sonic games :D

      Saturday, 04-Feb-12 05:16:27 UTC from web
      • !ottawabronies @djmidli first suggestion was a bbq the second is paintball . . . so i’m guessing we will have to wait till the summer for this meet up? then agian we could always go with lazzer tag if you want to hold it sooner.

        Friday, 03-Feb-12 04:58:48 UTC from web
      • !ottawabronies i have a idea for A meet up bronie paintball day

        Friday, 03-Feb-12 01:41:50 UTC from web
        • !ottawabronies @djmidli You know me! I'm always up for parties, um I mean meets!

          Thursday, 02-Feb-12 15:57:31 UTC from web
          • !ottawabronies @djmidli I like the sound of this! Any meetup idea is a great one to me. :)

            Thursday, 02-Feb-12 15:35:00 UTC from web
            • @djmidli !ottawabronies well as i said i am all for it because to me it sounds like a great idea.

              Thursday, 02-Feb-12 12:58:56 UTC from web
              • !ottawabronies @djmidli Lol I wasn't really making you sound like a creep, I was actually referencing to the common knowledge within this group that about 95% of us live in Ottawa. That sounds like an awesome meetup idea, btw! It'll be interesting to meet people who collected the merch before G4 was around.

                Thursday, 02-Feb-12 12:56:51 UTC from web
                • !ottawabronies @djmidli no problem reading your fic was enjoyable cant wait to read more. also i don't think it was @nightbreak who made you sound like a creep i believe it was @memj. as for the meet up it sounds good. It will be interesting to meet people who see the fandom from a different angle. which in my opinion Is a good thing. now the only questions are were and when ?

                  Thursday, 02-Feb-12 06:47:54 UTC from web
                  • !ottawabronies @djmidli knows where we live ;) Btw, hope the meetup was fun, guys! I hope I'll get to join the madness soon. :P

                    Thursday, 02-Feb-12 03:12:46 UTC from web
                    • @djmidli !ottawabronies Eeeyup.

                      Thursday, 02-Feb-12 02:59:55 UTC from web
                    • !ottawabronies @djmidli @sirderpyhooves he's watching . . . always watching . . . once a day lol

                      Thursday, 02-Feb-12 02:57:29 UTC from web
                    • !ottawabronies @djmidli i asked and you told me you wanted this picture as well. so here it is.

                      Tuesday, 31-Jan-12 20:42:23 UTC from web
                      • !ottawabronies Applejack cosplay

                        Tuesday, 31-Jan-12 20:36:39 UTC from web
                        • !ottawabronies pinkie pie cosplay #

                          Tuesday, 31-Jan-12 20:33:38 UTC from web
                          • !ottawabronies pinkie pie cosplay # unfortunately this next batch was taken with my i pod

                            Tuesday, 31-Jan-12 20:32:16 UTC from web
                            • !ottawabronies

                              Tuesday, 31-Jan-12 20:27:03 UTC from web
                            • !ottawabronies

                              Tuesday, 31-Jan-12 20:25:54 UTC from web
                              • !ottawabronies @djmidli here is the link to the dj pon-3 glasses as promised now i just sat down at my computer so i will try to get the pics up ASAP

                                Monday, 30-Jan-12 03:09:50 UTC from web
                              • !ottawabronies ya i live right next to saint-peters high school all so i may send some ponys from my othere forums that live in ottawa

                                Saturday, 28-Jan-12 23:59:29 UTC from web
                                • !ottawabronies Well, looks like school decided to punch me in the face and prevent me from leaving the house at all this weekend. *sigh* But have extra fun for me! I'll be there in spirit!

                                  Saturday, 28-Jan-12 03:17:41 UTC from web
                                • !ottawabronies Thx @djmidli for the info, also cmon ponies everrypony is best pony, also @sirderpyhooves if I'm not mistaken @djmidli lives in orleans.

                                  Saturday, 28-Jan-12 02:55:39 UTC from web
                                  • !ottawabronies still looking hey any pony live in Orleans

                                    Friday, 27-Jan-12 19:58:43 UTC from web
                                    • !ottawabronies @memj @cakewalk YA hooves down for sure Pinkie pie is always best pony *brohoof* /)*(\

                                      Wednesday, 25-Jan-12 17:35:32 UTC from web
                                      • !ottawabronies @coldshoulder @cakewalk Agreed, Pinkie Pie IS best pony, hooves down /)*(\ @djmidli ok awesome, thanks! I have a knack for getting lost, so that's why I'm full of questions :P.

                                        Wednesday, 25-Jan-12 17:12:13 UTC from web
                                        • !ottawabronies @cakewalk pinkie pie is always best pony *brohoof* /)*(\ i cant wait to were the outfit ^ ^

                                          Wednesday, 25-Jan-12 02:07:54 UTC from web
                                          • !ottawabronies @cakewalk thank you ^ ^ this is the same name and avatar i use over on equestria daily. but i gotta say i do love her as well. actually i love anything pinkie pie. which if you are at the meet up you will see one of my blind bag pinkies on my top hat. Might bring my giant pinkie pie as well and have her sticking out of my trench coat pocket. im dressing up in a steam punk-esq costume for the convention lol.

                                            Wednesday, 25-Jan-12 01:56:55 UTC from web
                                          • !ottawabronies @djmidli this will be my first meet up and im going to the convention anyway so its good to know its happening on Saturday. unfortunately i never go for the Friday so i will be missing the pony panel.

                                            Tuesday, 24-Jan-12 17:17:32 UTC from web
                                          • !ottawabronies Awww, man. Montreal would've made it sooo easy for me. Oh well, Gatineau's still cool with me... if I don't work, that is (which I believe will be the case on this Saturday, exceptionally).

                                            Tuesday, 24-Jan-12 05:18:15 UTC from web
                                            • !ottawabronies @djmidli, thanks for clarifying! My chances of going are much more likely, although transportation is still an issue for me. One more question though, where in the Palais de congres is the food court?

                                              Tuesday, 24-Jan-12 04:34:06 UTC from web