Group actions
Premonition and prophet ponies
!premonition propheticdream prophetize
A crystal ball
A group dedicated to those of us than via dreaming or simply a moment of extrasensory perception are able to grasp a piece of our futures, to have knowledge of a situation beforehand, no matter how tiny in time.
Premonition and prophet ponies (premonition) group
!propheticdream A couple posts that just appeared on my Tumblr dashboard had previously appeared in a dream.
Wednesday, 16-Jan-13 20:33:36 UTC from web-
@toksyuryel Oh hey that group still exists.
!premonition The icon for this group ought to be gypsy pinkie pie from the time travel episode
Saturday, 19-May-12 05:08:09 UTC from web-
@toksyuryel !premonition I still think the icon for this group should be gypsy Pinkie from It's About Time.
!propheticdream It happened again! I dreamed myself writing the very piece of software documentation I am writing right now! This is actually kind of annoying, because remembering that has now completely interrupted my workflow.
Saturday, 12-Jan-13 14:54:49 UTC from web -
!premonition WELP, it happened again! Now I know why this looked so familiar
Saturday, 24-Nov-12 22:12:56 UTC from web -
I dreamed my previous notice a couple years ago… !premonition
Saturday, 07-Jul-12 08:09:13 UTC from web -
@flaredancer lol it's like "did my alarm go off?...i don't remember, oh well,better keep sleeping"
Wednesday, 16-May-12 05:04:55 UTC from web- Scribus repeated this.
@toksyuryel Ooh, do try to tell us every prophetic dream you have! :D it's like storytime from the future!
@dezzierose Trouble is I don't *know* they're prophetic until the event actually happens, and telling anyone about a dream before then seems to preclude the events of that dream from happening. It evidently only works with dreams that I forget within about an hour and never share. There are a few potential explanations for this, the most reasonable of which is that since the predictions are always mundane things the dreams are never interesting enough to share or remember. Perhaps I could try sharing *every* dream I have?
@toksyuryel yay supernatural story time!