hatebear groups

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  • LA Bronies labronies LA Bronies Los Angeles, California

    A little group for the SoCal bronies who want to meet and great other bronies and discuss friendship and the magic qualities it may posses.

  • Brony Tabletop and Board Games Group boardgamebronies Brony Tabletop and Board Games Group Ponyville, Equestria http://www.rainbowdash.net/group/boardgamebronies

    This is a group for any ponies who are interested in any and all matter of boardgames/tabletop games. There didn't seem to be any groups for fans of boardgames yet, so I made one. Anypony who enjoys or is interested in table top games be they casual, tactical roleplaying, party games, old classics, trivia games, miniatures, or any other manner of table game, is welcome to join!

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    Member since
    10 Aug 2011
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