inlucidreverie's home timeline


  1. !yorkshire make sure to bring waterproof clothing guys, looks like we're going to have slightly unfavourable weather for the meetup.

    Friday, 15-Jun-12 14:16:57 UTC from web
    • !yorkshirebronies We're getting thunderstorms here in Wakefield and apparently Leeds is gonna be about the same tomorrow. Whatever we do I hope its indoors... XD

      Friday, 15-Jun-12 11:59:38 UTC from web
    • @wychwood !yorkshirebronies Yeah, saw the Manchester meetup was having one of those. We could probably have a small one in the pub.

      Friday, 15-Jun-12 11:42:30 UTC from web
    • !yorkshirebronies Oh man, they dun goof'd in the roundup and didn't include the RDN link. Thankfully they at least included the UKoE one.

      Thursday, 14-Jun-12 18:17:25 UTC from web
      • @wychwood !yorkshire I'll be on skype whenever I'm at home, call me up any time.

        Wednesday, 13-Jun-12 12:13:27 UTC from web
        • !yorkshirebronies I sent the meetup poster off to EqD once more, but I haven't been able to check it. Anyone seen it pop up in a roundup in the last day or two?

          Tuesday, 12-Jun-12 17:05:59 UTC from web
          • @wychwood !Yorkshirebronies Actually the documentary is confirmed for BUCK and John De Lancie is gonna be there. 20% cooler ticket really paying off ^-^

            Tuesday, 12-Jun-12 13:04:24 UTC from web
            • I can't wait for the !yorkshirebronies meetup on Saturday! I've been working constantly on finishing college work for as long as I can remember, so it'll be nice to be able to not do work for a change! Have I missed any important news in the Poniverse over the last 3 weeks? I haven't been able to check up on EqD because I was so busy, and I doubt I'll ever catch up on what I've missed.

              Monday, 11-Jun-12 17:45:16 UTC in context
          • !yorkshirebronies I'll be making the next meet up on the 16th! :P Hope to see you guys there! :D

            Sunday, 10-Jun-12 22:40:29 UTC from web
            • so I'm going to take this opportunity to shamelessly plug the !yorkshirebronies meetup in Leeds on the 16th of this month and the subsequent megameetup on the 28th of July.

              Friday, 08-Jun-12 22:40:10 UTC from web
            • !yorkshirebronies @wychwood You and me both! I've been out of the loop for 5 days! I feel really bad because I only just found out that Eduard Khil has died!

              Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 21:53:50 UTC from web
            • On very short notice I SHOULD be going to download festival on the Sunday, staying with a relative who lives in derby. So anyone who's there I'd LOVE to have a mini metal meetup! !yorkshire

              Sunday, 03-Jun-12 14:20:26 UTC from web
            • !yorkshirebronies Hay Everypony! Is anyone looking for a ride over to BUCK and back from Leeds? I'm currently taking two other Leeds bronies (Will and Robb) and am looking for a third to make my life complete~ We're also organising (cheap!) joint accommodation for the two nights of the con in conjunction with Trister et. al. who are coming down from Middlesbrough - A venture in which you are more than welcome to join

              Saturday, 02-Jun-12 11:44:52 UTC from web
              • !yorkshirebronies @wychwood I'd added you already! (you're on do-not-disturb though ^^) At the moment I'm just looking into feasibility of parking and such - looks pretty good but I'd like to take a full car if possible (i.e. four ponies including myself) to ensure it works out as cheaply as possible.

                Sunday, 27-May-12 20:50:50 UTC from web
              • !yorkshirebronies Just ordered my BUCK tickets (on the last day of the early-pegasus discount, good timing!) @wychwood if you are still looking for a ride from Leeds to Manechester - I'm thinking about driving if there are enough of us to fill a car, otherwise I'll be going by train =)

                Sunday, 27-May-12 20:03:52 UTC from web
                • @wychwood ohh.... see you guys there !Yorkshire

                  Tuesday, 22-May-12 17:06:54 UTC from web
                  • !yorkshirebronies Definitely going to B.U.C.K, just ordered tickets. See you there. (Also I got the 20% cooler tickets...)

                    Monday, 21-May-12 17:36:09 UTC from web
                    • Well that's me in a predicament, I genuinely think I'm going to try heading to download billy no mates... All my friends backed out, and I will regret it for the rest of my life if i don't go, so as confirmed on ukofe, anyway who's heading there anyway, a meetup of sorts in the presence of black sabbath would be... Something to remember !yorkshire

                      Monday, 21-May-12 05:26:57 UTC from web
                    • !Yorkshire oh boy oh boy oh boy! There it is! The poster is on the nightly roundup

                      Friday, 18-May-12 08:29:27 UTC from web