Kalucion Miatsume's home timeline


  1. @pegasusjones Tony Hawk's Pro Skater? :P

    Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 03:30:27 UTC from web
  2. @pegasusjones the wonders of the internet lol

    Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 01:29:18 UTC from web
  3. @pegasusjones This is the internet, everything is everywhere! xD Don't you know about 4chan?

    Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 01:19:47 UTC from web
  4. why is that btw? why do anime people get a nose from something cute?

    Monday, 17-Jun-13 13:29:48 UTC from web
  5. Everything Wrong With The Ticket Master in 4 Minutes or Less: Ticket Master was one of the first episodes of pony, and digging into it is something the fandom has done since the beginning... but not this way.  Have a CinemaSins style analysis of The Ticket Master below the break! >http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/06/everything-wrong-with-ticket-master-in.html http://ur1.ca/ecu7o

    Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 01:10:05 UTC from Sethisto
  6. Somebody please get this song out of my head... And into yours... # http://youtu.be/A5D0hnxiMtg

    Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 00:33:59 UTC from web
  7. @skythehyperuncontrollableslappablepegasus Awesome!

    Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 01:10:32 UTC from web
    • OH MY GOD http://images.gamme.com.tw/news/2013/05/2/o56VoKOWkZ6XqA.png

      Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 00:53:07 UTC from web
    • I'm out.

      Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 01:02:45 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    • @pegasusjones Yea, you should check out Samurai Champloo, it's a bit more simple that Ghost in the Shell, but it's pretty funny, and things don't drag out forever.

      Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 01:01:45 UTC from web
    • Oops, I meant a select few anime's. My apologies lol

      Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 00:50:25 UTC from web
      • OH LORD, ALL THE WELCOME! I KNOW NOT WHAT TO DO WITH ALL THIS KINDNESS! :P Thank you all! I'm glad to finally join a brony community. :) -hugs @pegasusjones back- and to @bowandluna "I WILL DO MY BEST COMMANDER!"

        Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 00:17:00 UTC from web
      • I love Pinkie Pie a lot, she's random, funny, cutesy, a complete dork and spaz, and a lot of fun. I can relate to her on a lot of levels, so that's mainly part of why I like her so much. I do enjoy all of the characters though for their own faults and personalities. They are all really good characters that fit into an odd group of friends who, though they may not share the same interests, are always there for each other and love each other.

        Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 00:03:19 UTC from web