

  1. why is that btw? why do anime people get a nose from something cute?

    Monday, 17-Jun-13 13:29:48 UTC from web
    1. @tohelo you can not write today dummy...

      Monday, 17-Jun-13 13:30:31 UTC from web
    2. @tohelo They're a strange breed

      Monday, 17-Jun-13 13:30:32 UTC from web
    3. Cuz thier heart explodes. Sort of like we saw baby applejack@tohelo

      Monday, 17-Jun-13 13:30:54 UTC from web
    4. @tohelo japan logic

      Monday, 17-Jun-13 13:31:44 UTC from web
    5. @tohelo @awesam15 maybe ther race have weaker norstill's skins. When they see hawt boobs, their hearts beat faster and stronger, what makes their bloodpressure higher. That blood increased blood pressure is strong enough to break the skin of their nostrills.

      Monday, 17-Jun-13 13:37:36 UTC from web
      1. Sciece just explained boobyblood@6leggedluna

        Monday, 17-Jun-13 13:39:01 UTC from web
        1. @awesam15 =3

          Monday, 17-Jun-13 13:39:18 UTC from web
      2. @6leggedluna well that is solved... next problem!

        Monday, 17-Jun-13 13:40:13 UTC from web
        1. @tohelo what is the next problem?

          Monday, 17-Jun-13 13:44:00 UTC from web
          1. @6leggedluna hmmm... do every people see the same collours... like is my red yours you understand?

            Monday, 17-Jun-13 13:46:14 UTC from web
            1. @tohelo all the eyes in the animal kingdom that form imagens have their signaling system based in the breaking ot the schiff base binding a retinal and a rodopsine toegeter, that creates an eletric signal that is sent to the brain, that reads that as a colour. The only difference between a colour and other is the frequency (or waveleght, whatever you it is easire to memorize for you) of the light. What Each rodopsine in your eye as didderent side groups bounded to it. these side groups make the energy needed to break a schiff base specifit to one wavelenght. So, only one wavelengt (colour) can excite one light receptor, causing thecolours to be the same to everyone

              Monday, 17-Jun-13 13:53:09 UTC from web
              1. @6leggedluna how do you know this stuff? ok next problem: if i am Finnish so i think everything in Finnish in my head and people in England thinks in English so in what language does deaf people think?

                Monday, 17-Jun-13 13:55:59 UTC from web
                1. @tohelo your grammar is impeccable :D and deaf people hear the sound of an ocean like a sea shell

                  Monday, 17-Jun-13 13:56:57 UTC from web
                  1. @ryanjjjj i did not know that

                    Monday, 17-Jun-13 13:58:58 UTC from web
                    1. @tohelo the thing is though even a deaf person can hear the high pitch squeal of pinkie pie, that's the number one cause of brain damage and deaf in America for the deaf these days. If you are deaf and watch MLP be warned it is all you will hear FOOOOREEEEEEEEVEEEEER!

                      Monday, 17-Jun-13 14:01:00 UTC from web
                      1. @ryanjjjj heh

                        Monday, 17-Jun-13 14:03:42 UTC from web
                2. @tohelo I actually cheated, I did a paper about retinal in the last semmester :T. Well, according to that 1884 book, restricting words is a good way to avoid people from thinking, since people need words to think in. But, in my opinion, people think in idea, and words are just a way to code this ideas in a thing that is general to a group. it is just like when you know something but cant explain, you are thinking of that thing, but cant translate it to known words

                  Monday, 17-Jun-13 14:00:19 UTC from web
                  1. @6leggedluna cool

                    Monday, 17-Jun-13 14:02:59 UTC from web
                    1. @tohelo nerthos ismore into this human mind thing. HE probably has a better theory than i

                      Monday, 17-Jun-13 14:04:34 UTC from web
                      1. @6leggedluna making theory's are fun

                        Monday, 17-Jun-13 14:06:11 UTC from web
                        1. @tohelo yeah, it is a good way to spend the time

                          Monday, 17-Jun-13 14:08:41 UTC from web
                          1. @6leggedluna i have a theory why people think that russians drink that much vodka

                            Monday, 17-Jun-13 14:10:04 UTC from web
                            1. @tohelo and why would that be

                              Monday, 17-Jun-13 14:11:09 UTC from web
                              1. @6leggedluna it is because some one who does not understand Russian has been is Russia and heard people ordering voda (water in Russian) and thought that the have been ordering vodka instead

                                Monday, 17-Jun-13 14:15:21 UTC from web
                                1. @tohelo well, making those 2 words so alike is asking for that to happen

                                  Monday, 17-Jun-13 14:19:51 UTC from web
                                  1. @6leggedluna yeah! but that is just my theory :D

                                    Monday, 17-Jun-13 14:21:26 UTC from web
                                    1. @tohelo or maybe they just did that so they'd have an excuse to drink too much vodka

                                      Monday, 17-Jun-13 14:22:34 UTC from web
                                      1. @6leggedluna genius!!!!

                                        Monday, 17-Jun-13 14:23:25 UTC from web
                                      2. @6leggedluna you dont NEED an excuse to drink to much vodca, ITS NEVER ENOUGH :D

                                        Monday, 17-Jun-13 14:25:10 UTC from web
                            2. @tohelo are you telling me vodka isn't russians water?!?

                              Monday, 17-Jun-13 14:11:28 UTC from web
                              1. @eripie no! that is finland

                                Monday, 17-Jun-13 14:15:41 UTC from web
                                1. @tohelo Explains so much LOL

                                  Monday, 17-Jun-13 14:17:33 UTC from web
                                  1. @eripie xD

                                    Monday, 17-Jun-13 14:17:42 UTC from web
                      2. @6leggedluna tagging @nerthos because maybe he'd like to join the subject

                        Monday, 17-Jun-13 14:11:41 UTC from web
                  2. @mushi @tohelo Actually, ideas aren't tought in words. The brain uncounciously assigns them words for the sake of making them easier to remember and communicate them to others, but the fact that they trascend language is evident, since if you often think about intellectual and philosophical topics you'll find yourself thinking about topics that can't be easily explained in words. Regarding how deaf people think, I don't have the slightest idea.

                    Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 01:00:35 UTC from web

                      Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 01:14:35 UTC from web
                      1. @mushi That was absolutely awesome

                        Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 01:16:27 UTC from web
                      2. @mushi I have seen the face of God, and it was that video

                        Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 01:18:12 UTC from web
                    2. @nerthos i actually believe their thoughts is like a mass of ideas that only makes sense to them, since they are free from any code to organaze and shape their thoughts

                      Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 01:15:41 UTC from web
                      1. @mushi Unless they know how to read/write, in which case they do have a language

                        Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 01:16:47 UTC from web
                        1. @nerthos well, i forgot about that

                          Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 01:17:22 UTC from web