monsutaa kaado! (mushi)'s status on Monday, 17-Jun-13 13:53:09 UTC

  1. @tohelo all the eyes in the animal kingdom that form imagens have their signaling system based in the breaking ot the schiff base binding a retinal and a rodopsine toegeter, that creates an eletric signal that is sent to the brain, that reads that as a colour. The only difference between a colour and other is the frequency (or waveleght, whatever you it is easire to memorize for you) of the light. What Each rodopsine in your eye as didderent side groups bounded to it. these side groups make the energy needed to break a schiff base specifit to one wavelenght. So, only one wavelengt (colour) can excite one light receptor, causing thecolours to be the same to everyone

    Monday, 17-Jun-13 13:53:09 UTC from web in context