Kalucion Miatsume's home timeline



    Tuesday, 23-Sep-14 14:24:12 UTC from ban me pls
  2. "Got something to say? Need to say it? Unfulfilled?"

    Sunday, 10-Aug-14 22:33:50 UTC from web
  3. Do robots even have genders?

    Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:11:33 UTC from web
  4. @admin ahaha.

    Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:07:15 UTC from web
    • @kalucion Heh, I feel you. My laptop fried and I haven't been able to get any work done for a few months now.

      Monday, 09-Dec-13 00:32:21 UTC from web
      • @kalucion Transfer it to Google Drive next time you're on a computer. I write exclusively from an iPhone.

        Monday, 09-Dec-13 00:29:17 UTC from web
        • @oracle here is the perioduc table of elements song, as for the elements of harmony, or the elements of magic the gathering, I'm not quite sure lol. http://youtu.be/zUDDiWtFtEM

          Monday, 09-Dec-13 00:22:04 UTC from web
          • @oracle which elements are you trying to remember? The periodic table or the elements of harmony? Lol

            Monday, 09-Dec-13 00:16:09 UTC from web
            • Hey everyone, havn't been here in a while. How are you all?

              Sunday, 08-Dec-13 22:29:03 UTC from web
              • @pony EYE'M THE STRONGEST

                Monday, 01-Jul-13 18:07:22 UTC from web
              • Herro everyone

                Monday, 01-Jul-13 18:09:26 UTC from web
              • I hear you guys are talking about my favorite game ever.

                Thursday, 20-Jun-13 02:03:24 UTC from web
              • Hello everyone

                Thursday, 20-Jun-13 01:52:01 UTC from web
              • @randomwonderbolt all my love directed to you

                Thursday, 20-Jun-13 02:02:19 UTC from web
                • @pegasusjones very cool. I haven't watched the entire series, I only watched a few episodes.

                  Thursday, 20-Jun-13 02:00:22 UTC from web
                • Alright everyone, I'm off to sleep, have an excellent evening or morning wherever you may be

                  Wednesday, 19-Jun-13 03:31:42 UTC from web
                  • The Vita is pretty awesome, it has a lot of cool games and remote play is pretty nice

                    Wednesday, 19-Jun-13 03:26:09 UTC from web
                  • i try to its just so hard to get to know everypony... im sorry

                    Wednesday, 19-Jun-13 02:38:46 UTC from web
                  • NO ONE SAY A GOD DAMN THING

                    Wednesday, 19-Jun-13 02:38:22 UTC from web
                  • Guys, what should I do for the next hour? I'm bored

                    Wednesday, 19-Jun-13 02:22:40 UTC from web
                  • I have the biggest urge to play the original Mega Man Battle Network but I don't own it ;n;

                    Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 23:53:12 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                  • @rancidrob yes, indeed it is

                    Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 22:41:35 UTC from web
                  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJnWo5Jx7W8

                    Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 22:10:24 UTC from web
                  • why am i still awake?

                    Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 22:08:19 UTC from web
                  • @bowandluna you don't happen to live in California do you? XD

                    Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 20:45:07 UTC from web
                  • @skythehyperuncontrollableslappablepegasus HELLO THAR!

                    Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 20:50:50 UTC from web
                    • So I want to try Persona 3 and 4 anyone here recomends them?

                      Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 20:27:26 UTC from web
                    • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMRhPl2b-aU HAHA!!!

                      Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 20:36:46 UTC from web
                    • Hmm... I am bored, what does RDN think I should do?

                      Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 03:23:56 UTC from web
                    • @pegasusjones Damn, right in the feels xD It's been a long time since I've heard this song as well.

                      Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 03:36:19 UTC from web