Kadziet "Kazuhira" Yagami's home timeline


  1. Thought I was getting pulled over today on my drive home from a friend’s house. Pulled to the side, he sped right past me. Wherever he was going, every single cop in the county was also going because I saw about twenty squad cars all heading in the same direction at various points during the drive.

    Monday, 29-Nov-21 01:57:07 UTC from web
  2. Well, I finally got desperate enough to launch a Fiverr page https://www.fiverr.com/jlbesq/read-and-record-voiceover if anybody needs/wants my voice for something, or knows someone who does.

    Saturday, 27-Nov-21 03:04:48 UTC from web
  3. Frankly, I am in *shock* I tell you. SHOCK!!

    Thursday, 25-Nov-21 01:32:11 UTC from web
  4. Also a friend and I have been trying to write a script for a live-action comedy film centering around a guy who spends years undercover in a New York crime family, it’s set in the 2020s, and I watching this while thinking about that made me think about how there aren’t that many mafia films set in the modern day, it’s all about the 70s and 80s and stuff, The Sopranos is probably as modern as it gets. Would be interesting to explore how the mob operates in the internet age and in a post-9/11 world. Frank Cali was assassinated by a QAnon supporter. That’s insane. The boss of the Gambino crime family, who ran the show for years, got taken out by some guy who thought Trump wanted him to because he was told so on 4Chan. Not gonna see that kiwi in Goodfellas.

    Monday, 22-Nov-21 04:30:02 UTC from web
  5. had a situation at my store that more or less boiled down to exactly this Simpsons scene http://rainbowdash.net/url/876043

    Sunday, 21-Nov-21 19:40:34 UTC from web
  6. actively depressed about the Kenosha outcome

    Saturday, 20-Nov-21 16:46:32 UTC from web
  7. Have I already mentioned that if Glenn Youngkin wins tomorrow I’m gonna use the tax breaks to buy a house in another state? Cos I think it bears repeating.

    Tuesday, 02-Nov-21 00:59:49 UTC from web
  8. This site is just like Undertale!

    Tuesday, 02-Nov-21 15:40:41 UTC from web
  9. context to my earlier post: i was racially profiled on my way home from work today because i'm brown and have a beard so a cop literally followed me from my store across town to another store because he thought i was doing a terrorism. literally was following me until I parked. saw me get out of my car, THEN made a u-turn and left the parking lot.

    Monday, 01-Nov-21 00:58:39 UTC from web
  10. Got a note from a Republican running for office in my district claiming to want me to reach out to chat with him about his platform. Did just that, because his platform was appleing insane and would be more at-home in Nazi Germany. Am eagerly awaiting the response I am totally going to get

    Thursday, 28-Oct-21 05:37:37 UTC from web
    • Show all 7 replies
    • @zeldatra That is outright ghastly and entirely un-shocking. Have they started saying that 1/6 was "just a little riot" like MTG?

      Thursday, 28-Oct-21 20:04:58 UTC in context
    • @scribus This is more or less the last time in probably a while that Republicans have a shot at winning a statewide election in Virginia, historically we’ve always voted against the incumbent party no matter what but that anti-White House sentiment, while not totally gone (Biden won the state by ten points but polling shows the race as a toss-up) is kind of diminishing (we used to see swings of like twenty points, now it’s closer to five) and by 2025 it’ll probably be gone entirely, so this entire campaign has just been a big last-ditch effort to maybe hold Richmond one last time. Nothing is too low if you’re going out anyway.

      Thursday, 28-Oct-21 20:21:27 UTC in context
    • @scribus Glenn Youngkin for his part has tried to distance himself from Trump and January 6th mostly because he can’t afford for the DC suburbs to turn out against him and that’s exactly what they’ll do if they think he’s too much like Trump.

      Thursday, 28-Oct-21 20:25:29 UTC in context
  11. Hey guys, take it from someone who is now having to do it for the second time in as many years: having to pretend that an associate at your store is still alive until everyone is notified that she died in surgery this morning is Not Fun.

    Saturday, 23-Oct-21 19:42:12 UTC from web
  12. Well I just took my first Adderall. Time to see if it's ADHD or not, I guess!

    Thursday, 21-Oct-21 16:43:42 UTC from web
  13. Clearly not much of a problem anymore. Dole was simply born too early.

    Sunday, 17-Oct-21 20:39:53 UTC from web
  14. No, not Donald Trump telling Republicans not to vote if he isn’t reinstated. Anything but that.

    Thursday, 14-Oct-21 00:41:34 UTC from web
    • Show all 5 replies
    • @zeldatra See, the thing is, that all makes total sense... but Papa Spraytan doesn't, heh

      Saturday, 16-Oct-21 15:09:10 UTC in context
    • @scribus Oh, also, if he WERE “reinstated” he technically would be allowed to run for a second full term because the only method possible for “reinstatement” involves Republicans winning back the House, making him Speaker, and somehow winning 17 extra Senate seats with a map where they’ll be lucky if they get three, then impeaching/removing Biden-Harris simultaneously for ?????, which obviously would not be possible until 2023, when the next Congress is sworn in. So long as he is sworn in on January 21st or later, he would be allowed to run for another four year term since finish that term would bring him to just under the constitutional limit of ten years. If that’s his plan, it’s an incredibly contrived and unrealistic plan, but it is technically a plan nonetheless.

      Sunday, 17-Oct-21 06:49:52 UTC in context
    • @zeldatra Damn, that's right... Nth dimension chess for sure

      Sunday, 17-Oct-21 16:56:27 UTC in context
  15. My store really said “Columbus Day is racist? Dope” and ended holiday pay starting this year, a move negotiated with and sanctioned by UFCW, of course.

    Tuesday, 12-Oct-21 02:51:06 UTC from web
  16. don’t really see the point in a Nickelodeon crossover fighter if you aren’t gonna have VO. Makes the crossover aspect feel hollow if these cartoon characters are all mutes without personalities. Just play Smash Bros. at that point.

    Friday, 08-Oct-21 17:19:30 UTC from web
  17. I saw tiger woods’ career “end” when i was a kid so how come he’s still out here winning tournaments

    Thursday, 07-Oct-21 04:00:08 UTC from web
  18. Already my end-of-year savings milestone to be able to buy a house by the end of 2022. West Virginia, here I come.

    Monday, 27-Sep-21 21:09:11 UTC from web
  19. lady that used to steal Sudafed at my old store shops at my new one :/

    Thursday, 23-Sep-21 03:51:38 UTC from web
  20. Just got done driving to Henrico County and during the drive I was trying to come up with a voice for a character. Eventually settled on “Genie from Aladdin but voiced by Dan Castellaneta”, which I realize is basically just a gay, possibly Jewish version of Homer Simpson.

    Thursday, 16-Sep-21 17:29:10 UTC from web
  21. I want to see the new Marvel movie Shang Chi but it feels wrong to go to the cinema.

    Tuesday, 31-Aug-21 19:10:08 UTC from web
  22. all of this moving around between stores finally pays off - I finally have the evidence I need to have a certain customer banned from all of our stores because I personally saw him running the same scam at three separate stores. kinda weird that it took three separate stores though, right?

    Monday, 30-Aug-21 02:28:52 UTC from web
  23. Gotta say, if'n I'd fully known what an asshole King Hyrule was, and what a whiner they'd turned Zelda into, I might not have bothered defeating Calamity Ganon... !vgp #

    Sunday, 29-Aug-21 19:43:43 UTC from web
  24. Aww, you're maxed at 3 stamina wheels?

    Monday, 23-Aug-21 22:42:26 UTC from web
  25. thinking about buying the cheapest Mac Mini and using that for animation instead of my current PC. I don't believe it would be better (or worse, for that matter) in terms of performance, because let's be real, you don't need a beefcake to run Flash, but i do think it would help with productivity because I would have to switch to my other computer to run any of my games and so that's one less thing to get distracted by.

    Saturday, 14-Aug-21 21:19:02 UTC from web
  26. Wow this Shakey's Pizza ad may actually have just used text-to-speech instead of hiring a person to talk for 30 seconds

    Saturday, 14-Aug-21 01:30:44 UTC from web
  27. Good evening http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/875978

    Friday, 13-Aug-21 22:58:28 UTC from web
  28. update: if I don’t have covid, then I have something that sure feels a lot like it, because this sucks major balls.

    Thursday, 12-Aug-21 06:06:35 UTC from web
  29. one of the main characters in Swole Foods is a “Californian” (he lived there for six years and has made it his entire identity) but I’ve never lived in California, I only know what I see on the news, so some of these jokes might seem inaccurate to people who actually live there, which I think is pretty fair considering Hollywood directors seem to think Virginia is still a part of the confederacy.

    Friday, 06-Aug-21 18:42:02 UTC from web
  30. I’m a little old to be waking up to news about Chris Chan, can’t we leave that in the past

    Friday, 30-Jul-21 17:53:12 UTC from web