Replies to keeponrocking, page 4

  1. @keeponrocking That's true, humans tend to fight over everything. Good thing we're ponies!

    Friday, 27-May-11 19:30:34 UTC from web in context
  2. @keeponrocking this is true - I think RDN is one of the few places where the public feed is super-friendly. It's like Twitter, but made of rainbows and sunshine.

    Friday, 27-May-11 19:27:33 UTC from web in context
  3. @keeponrocking Agreed. I got Facebook a few years ago or something because people were bugging me to play Farmville and stuff with them. Got tired of that after a week or something, and now I never use it. @jetsparks Hey, you new here?

    Friday, 27-May-11 19:24:32 UTC from web in context
  4. @keeponrocking True, it's like a huge pool where all the water drops fight to be the most important one.

    Friday, 27-May-11 19:24:13 UTC from web in context
  5. @keeponrocking I certainly don't recognize you! Anyways, new faces to me, like I said. Nice to meet ya.

    Friday, 27-May-11 15:44:04 UTC from web in context
  6. @keeponrocking Aaaaawwww yeeeaaaaah! @theawesomepony Awesome.

    Friday, 27-May-11 15:36:02 UTC from web in context
  7. There are a lot of new faces on here today. Like @haganbmj , @geesee , @mlpapplejack and @keeponrocking . At least, they're new to me.

    Friday, 27-May-11 15:34:18 UTC from web in context
  8. @keeponrocking Yeah, more views than the counter was showing haha

    Friday, 27-May-11 15:22:08 UTC from web in context
  9. @keeponrocking @fluttercrash I wrote a script that does a form of refreshing - I don't know if it's something you can really do though on school computers? Will they allow that? # ~~ You can find the info under that tag, or here

    Friday, 27-May-11 15:03:03 UTC from web in context
  10. @keeponrocking No worries, I wouldn't really.

    Friday, 27-May-11 15:02:55 UTC from web in context
  11. @keeponrocking Yeah, that's why this day is awesome!

    Friday, 27-May-11 14:48:58 UTC from web in context
  12. @keeponrocking yeah, was watching doctor who for a while, stopped around 630, then the new extended equestria girls vid came out, which made the whole staying up WORTH IT. if u havent seen it yet, GO LOOK AND LISTEN!

    Friday, 27-May-11 14:46:08 UTC from web in context
  13. @keeponrocking AWESOME, and tired. Still havent slept yet

    Friday, 27-May-11 14:44:14 UTC from web in context
  14. @keeponrocking later dude. *brohoof*

    Friday, 27-May-11 06:43:30 UTC from web in context
  15. @keeponrocking Fare thee well.

    Friday, 27-May-11 06:43:13 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  16. @keeponrocking Later! :D

    Friday, 27-May-11 06:42:46 UTC from web in context
  17. @keeponrocking Seeya later!

    Friday, 27-May-11 06:42:41 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  18. @keeponrocking lol when I saw the trailer for it, I had the same reaction as this:

    Friday, 27-May-11 06:41:50 UTC from web in context
  19. @keeponrocking it was called the cola wars, but no actual battles

    Friday, 27-May-11 06:37:37 UTC from web in context
  20. @keeponrocking I know man, i was kidding with u

    Friday, 27-May-11 06:35:18 UTC from web in context
  21. @keeponrocking It's weird. I only drink Pepsi out of a can for some reason and coke in every other instance. Of course, I drink soda very rarely now. I've replaced it with iced tea.

    Friday, 27-May-11 06:34:22 UTC from web in context
  22. @keeponrocking I'd pick Coke then :P

    Friday, 27-May-11 06:32:59 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  23. @keeponrocking Hey, don't mock america man. My dad fought in the war man. He took on several opposing forces during the big war of the 80's. THE COLA WARS, MAN! it was such a sad sight to see. I remember this night, he went out for a coke, but when he got to the store..........they were all out..........and they had some foreign guy trying to sell him bootleg he bought some. but u know what? when he got home.....and we tried it......IT WAS REALLY PEPSI *cries* AND IT WAS FLAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DADDY *sobs* DADDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!

    Friday, 27-May-11 06:32:19 UTC from web in context
  24. @keeponrocking Not much of an avid fan of soda. I mean, I like to when I go get it, but give me some Clear American Flavored Sparkling water or Lipton Green Tea and I'll down it.

    Friday, 27-May-11 06:31:06 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  25. @keeponrocking Neither. If I had to choose, Coke.

    Friday, 27-May-11 06:29:38 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  26. @keeponrocking Coke is better than Pepsi. But my favorite soda is Mtn Dew.

    Friday, 27-May-11 06:29:23 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  27. @keeponrocking whichever is available at restaurants if they dont have dr pepper

    Friday, 27-May-11 06:29:11 UTC from web in context
  28. @keeponrocking Are we talking the drink Pepsi or Coke? or the Brands Pepsi or Coke?

    Friday, 27-May-11 06:28:27 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  29. @keeponrocking I dont like sprite, but I used to love SLICE, and I like sierra mist

    Friday, 27-May-11 06:26:30 UTC from web in context
  30. @keeponrocking Ha! I love the taste of Sprite myself. I hate the fact it has no caffeine in it though, I need caffeine darn it

    Friday, 27-May-11 06:25:42 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context