kiverdasnyper subscribers

These are the people who listen to kiverdasnyper's notices.

  • Colin Thalacker teddystorm Colin Thalacker Eau Claire, WI

    My name is Colin and I live in Eau Claire, WI. I'm currently attending UW-Eau Claire and am working towards a degree in History. I like to play video games, read books, play basketball and just relax. I've become a brony only recently but I'm already starting the like the show/fandom so much and I hope to meet some great people here!

  • Seth Edwards noirbatch Seth Edwards Tulsa, OK

    So I am not on this site that much anymore, if you reply it may be a month later before I get back. Anyways, Have a good day. *rides off into the sunset*


User ID
Member since
19 Aug 2012
Daily average