Jacob Leeming (lem101)

  1. @ceruleanspark Yeah, unfortunately that's true :(

    Tuesday, 13-Aug-13 12:56:01 UTC from web in context
  2. @scoot Thanks for the assistance :D

    Tuesday, 13-Aug-13 12:44:33 UTC from web in context
  3. @scoot Ah right, thanks, I'm kinda new to this :p

    Tuesday, 13-Aug-13 12:42:06 UTC from web in context
  4. @scoot Hello to you too!

    Tuesday, 13-Aug-13 12:38:47 UTC from web in context
  5. @ceruleanspark I have a happy life in this world, and while a trip to Equestria would be awesome, I would never see friends/family again, so yeah. if it weren't a one-way trip, I'd be all for it!

    Tuesday, 13-Aug-13 12:37:02 UTC from web in context
  6. !yorkshirebronies hey guys, just joined this group, I look forward to meetups!

    Tuesday, 13-Aug-13 12:32:17 UTC from web
  7. Absolutely not.

    Tuesday, 13-Aug-13 12:22:34 UTC from web in context


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13 Aug 2013
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