Lex Ruderalis's home timeline


  1. !eqg Fangame developer Bobby Schroeder gives us more incentive to follow his tumblr, because that's where he posts all his Super Lesbian Horse RPG progress updates. http://www.equestriagaming.com/2013/11/super-lesbian-horse-rpg-update.html

    Tuesday, 05-Nov-13 22:15:09 UTC from web
  2. !eqg Only a Ponychanner would call his project "Awesome Pony Fighting Game". Does it live up to its name? I dunno... http://www.equestriagaming.com/2013/11/apfg.html

    Monday, 04-Nov-13 22:08:53 UTC from web
    • !eqg Good morning, everybody! Have an updated version of Crazy Pony, because fangames totally aren't hard enough already and your average gamer loves dying several hundred times before reaching the finish line. http://www.equestriagaming.com/2013/11/crazy-pony-12.html

      Monday, 04-Nov-13 16:16:38 UTC from web
    • !eqg Just a quick reminder that the Legends of Equestria team is currently holding their 24 hour livestream thing. http://www.equestriagaming.com/2013/11/reminder-legends-of-equestria-is.html

      Saturday, 02-Nov-13 19:34:34 UTC from web
      • !eqg Since it's that time of year again, have a generic creepypasta titled muffins.exe. http://www.equestriagaming.com/2013/10/review-muffinsexe-creepypasta.html

        Friday, 01-Nov-13 00:47:20 UTC from web
        • !eqg It's a day late, but here's my review for Moonstuck the Game Part 2. Now onto the creepypastas! http://www.equestriagaming.com/2013/10/review-moonstuck-part-2.html

          Thursday, 31-Oct-13 22:31:29 UTC from web
          • !eqg Ponyvania's developers decided to release their game's really badass intro to hype us up, and it's working so far. http://www.equestriagaming.com/2013/10/ponyvania-intro.html

            Thursday, 31-Oct-13 21:21:58 UTC from web
            • !eqg This November, watch in awe as the Legends of Equestria devteam manages to be productive for 24 hours. http://www.equestriagaming.com/2013/10/guess-whos-livestreaming-this-weekend.html

              Wednesday, 30-Oct-13 20:31:31 UTC from web
              • !eqg It's that time of year again, so have a demo for a creepy adventure game starring Octavia, titled "The Underworld's Cello". http://www.equestriagaming.com/2013/10/octavia-in-underworlds-cello.html

                Wednesday, 30-Oct-13 16:39:10 UTC from web
              • !eqg Here, have a temporary post for part 2 of that Moonstuck game before tomorrow's review. Goodnight! http://www.equestriagaming.com/2013/10/moonstuck-game-part-2.html

                Wednesday, 30-Oct-13 05:00:13 UTC from web
                • !eqg Never Heard From Ever Again, the world's first nonfree My Little Pony fangame for the PC platform was released today. Think of the children! http://www.equestriagaming.com/2013/10/released-never-heard-from-ever-again.html

                  Wednesday, 30-Oct-13 00:24:30 UTC from web
                • !eqg I was going to write a fully-fledged review of Canterlot Siege 2, but thanks to this headache a measly regular post will have to do for now until Enigma Sage or Arctic Lux shows up again. Sorry! http://www.equestriagaming.com/2013/10/canterlot-siege-2.html

                  Monday, 28-Oct-13 19:33:14 UTC from web
                • !eqg Most of you have probably played this already, but futzi01's Canterlot Siege 2 is up on the Arcade now, with a post/review coming in a bit. http://arcade.equestriagaming.com/2013/10/canterlot-siege-2.html

                  Monday, 28-Oct-13 14:55:31 UTC from web
                  • !eqg The Minty Fresh Adventure II Pre-Preview has been updated with exactly what the My Little Pony fangame scene needs: more bossfights! http://www.equestriagaming.com/2013/10/updated-mfa-ii-pre-preview.html

                    Sunday, 27-Oct-13 00:55:06 UTC from web
                    • !eqg Looks like the Megamare X team needs a new level designer. Shame they made the mistake of expecting Ponychan to be helpful... http://www.equestriagaming.com/2013/10/megamare-x-seeking-level-designers.html

                      Saturday, 26-Oct-13 19:13:19 UTC from web
                      • !eqg I was bored enough to make a post about the Story of the Blanks level editor, so here you go. Enjoy, I guess...if aren't already aware of it. http://www.equestriagaming.com/2013/10/story-of-blanks-level-editor.html

                        Friday, 25-Oct-13 23:15:19 UTC from web
                        • !eqg Wrote a post about the Ponyvania demo, in case anybody is interested in Castlevania-type platformers. http://www.equestriagaming.com/2013/10/ponyvania-demo.html

                          Tuesday, 15-Oct-13 23:38:13 UTC from web
                          • !eqg Project Magic is just a small reminder that /mlp/ is being far more productive than you are right now. http://www.equestriagaming.com/2013/10/project-magic.html

                            Monday, 14-Oct-13 21:54:28 UTC from web
                          • !eqg Looks like the new Starswirl Academy demo has been released, in case you haven't heard already. Shame that its developers never notify us about these things...manually checking all the fangame websites for this stuff takes a lot of time, and not all of them simply have RSS/Atom feeds to use. http://www.equestriagaming.com/2013/10/starswirl-academy-demo.html

                            Monday, 14-Oct-13 15:53:28 UTC from web
                            • !eqg So apparently there was a fancy pre-preview of Minty Fresh Adventure II on MLPchan, and they kept it to themselves. Cheeseheads. http://www.equestriagaming.com/2013/10/minty-fresh-adventure-ii-pre-preview.html

                              Saturday, 12-Oct-13 20:05:16 UTC from web
                            • !eqg A moment of silence for Rockstroh, second best moderator of our Cloudsdale chat group. It's all Taylor's fault. http://ur1.ca/fv2l1

                              Wednesday, 09-Oct-13 18:45:50 UTC from web
                              • !eqg Added Twilight Sparkle vs Trixie to the Arcade. http://arcade.equestriagaming.com/2013/10/twilight-sparkle-vs-trixie.html

                                Thursday, 03-Oct-13 18:16:37 UTC from web
                                • !eqg Twilight Sparkle vs Trixie: The Untouchables flash game in all but name. http://www.equestriagaming.com/2013/10/twilight-sparkle-vs-trixie.html

                                  Wednesday, 02-Oct-13 21:52:00 UTC from web
                                • !eqg The 16th Lyra's List is up, in case anybody pays attention to these things. http://www.equestriagaming.com/2013/10/lyras-list-16.html

                                  Wednesday, 02-Oct-13 21:05:05 UTC from web
                                • !eqg Blue Cookie Touch goes on a magical Big Apple Ponycon birthday adventure! http://www.equestriagaming.com/2013/10/blue-cookie-touch-caves-rpg.html

                                  Tuesday, 01-Oct-13 16:47:44 UTC from web
                                  • !eqg Here's a video showcasing the Fallout:Equestria RPG's level editor. You can watch it while I listen to recordings of Grateful Dead concerts. http://www.equestriagaming.com/2013/09/fallout-equestria-rpg-level-editor.html

                                    Monday, 30-Sep-13 20:44:31 UTC from web
                                    • !eqg Looks like Crazy Pony isn't quite as dead as we feared. Huzzah! http://www.equestriagaming.com/2013/09/crazy-pony-is-back-from-dead.html

                                      Monday, 30-Sep-13 16:12:03 UTC from web
                                    • !eqg Okay, messed up a bit there. The real Starswirl Academy link is at http://www.equestriagaming.com/2013/09/starswirl-academy-debut-trailer.html

                                      Sunday, 29-Sep-13 02:04:39 UTC from web
                                      • !eqg Posting the Starswirl Academy trailer an hour later than Equestria Daily like a bawss. http://twentypercentcooler.net/post/show/46207/-mlp-4chan-animated-bert_-original_character-cross

                                        Sunday, 29-Sep-13 01:59:34 UTC from web
                                        • !eqg Tonight we bring you a Rainbow Dash platformer called Revenants of Chaos with (gasp!) actual flight! Rejoice, Dash-...fans. http://www.equestriagaming.com/2013/09/revenants-of-chaos-needs-level-designers.html

                                          Sunday, 29-Sep-13 01:26:02 UTC from web