Replies to mastermask
@mastermask good day
@mastermask Pretty cool and very easy to get the hang of. It's like Minecraft crossed over with the 2d action RPG platforming of Castlevania. One really cool feature is that you can build entire towns and NPCs will come live in your buildings
@mastermask. -_-
@mastermask Another hug supporter. The plot thickens.
@mastermask yes, I am sure. plus if I decide I want to talk I can.
@mastermask this is so true :D
@magicrussia @mastermask How the heck do you have time for both RDN and Ponychan ?
@mastermask I see you on Ponychan all the time, you're awesomesauce
@mastermask OH MY GOSH ITS MASTERMASK. Hi =D @fluttershy321 Yay <3 *licks the frosting* @critialcloudkicker Way to turn something cute and innocent into something perverted, LOL
@mastermask lurk more, post more, huggle more... I'll starts * !hugs you * :D
@mastermask You are not missing much.
@mastermask *does a barrel roll* am i doing it rite?
@mastermask Nah, they sucked.
@flaminglight @mastermask Doing just fine!
@mastermask Really? Oh thank princess celestia, because the pilots of this 747 that I'm in just suddenly dropped dead, and I drew the shortest stick and now have to pilot this thing down. Now let's see. What does this red button do, I wonde-
@mastermask derpy because derpy
@mastermask That is indeed very fast.
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 00:35:37 UTC from web -
@mastermask So we're playing with fire here dude! It's this attitude of "I'm sure moving these clouds will do no harm" THEN SUDDENLY TORNADO'S ARE HITTING PONYVILLE. AND OPPS, RAINBOW DASH IS SLEEPING AND WE ALL HAVE TO REBUILD. Shouldn't we be more careful?
@mastermask So..nine seconds flat?
@mastermask Oh geez, toss up between Rainbow and Pinkie... Both personalities just are so fantastic and add so much to the show. I'd probably go with Luna though if we had more to base her personality off of D:
@mastermask Why not?
@mastermask Thank you! I feel much more loved than I did 1000 years ago.
@mastermask Luna is the greatest pony ever bro. I mean I would say Fluttershy but Luna has her beat. And why? Because nights are awesome, we wouldn't have sweet illegal raves if not for the awesome moon to shine down on us and I'm a night person. Plus boo Trollestia
@mastermask steven magnet!
@mastermask Somehow I'm a bit disappointed.. Ah well, can't get everything in life.
Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 21:21:49 UTC from web -
@mastermask Are you an animator, Mastermask?
@mastermask pony community is best community
@mastermask second
@mastermask you're not alone there