Michael's home timeline


  1. !ottawabronies http://www.facebook.com/groups/141324269304426/ this is are facebook group we are mostly posting here now

    Thursday, 05-Apr-12 11:00:37 UTC from web
    • !ottawabronies I got myself some ponies at Toys R us saddly didn't have the mane six but got my self Rainbow dash, pinkie pie, Fluttershy, and Twilight Sparkle.

      Wednesday, 04-Apr-12 15:57:31 UTC from web
      • !ottawabronies Welll, well, well, looks like I missed cakewalk's rise to celebrity. Good show, good show. Thank god I didn't miss anything else during my time away.

        Wednesday, 04-Apr-12 15:44:55 UTC from web
        • up to date pony wall here's the link !ottawabronies and !xboxbronies http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=421278041220234&set=a.406549746026397.113389.100000141241351&type=3&theater

          Tuesday, 03-Apr-12 01:05:15 UTC from web
        • !ottawabronies @djmidli Awwwwwwh yeah ^.^ I'm famous! xD

          Monday, 02-Apr-12 22:36:46 UTC from web
          • !ottawabronies @djmidli That was a great article describing the plentiful positive qualities of any brony community, it makes me happy inside :D @cakewalk Don't make me flippin' hurt you lol.

            Monday, 02-Apr-12 22:14:13 UTC from web
            • Breaburn is the best f-ing pony !ottawabronies

              Monday, 02-Apr-12 18:13:46 UTC from web
              • !ottawabronies I only really dislike gen 3.5 because of their Rainbow Dash, really makes you appreciate the pure refined magic Faust has worked. Still no reason to hate though...

                Monday, 02-Apr-12 03:04:28 UTC from web
              • !ottawabronies .............. keep me away from the topic of g1 to 3.5 you dont want my opinion

                Sunday, 01-Apr-12 21:13:44 UTC from web
                • !ottawabronies Darn it! I gotta train myself to avoid hitting enter before I'm done...too usd to using it to get another paragraph going. Anyways, lots of people also seem to forget that even though you may not like the older gens (which is fine) it doesn't mean that you can insult the hard work of the VAs, animators, producers etc. who created those older programmes.

                  Sunday, 01-Apr-12 20:34:47 UTC from web
                • !ottawabronies As aesthetically unpleasant the older pony models are, some people have done truly amazing things with them (seriously, did you all see that Jack Sparrow one that was on EQD?) and they don't deserve to be discounted as art and the artists don't deserve the hate they're getting.

                  Sunday, 01-Apr-12 20:31:48 UTC from web
                • @djmidli !ottawabronies Pffft. Most of this fandom wasn't *born* when the whole thing began and have no concept of their history. *shakes cane at kids and yells at them to get off his lawn*

                  Sunday, 01-Apr-12 20:22:36 UTC from web
                  • @djmidli !Ottawabronies It dropped from a height I'm just guessging that it's a diode that broke but the data is still intact. Reason why I say so is that the seagate tools does not even detect the storage device. But going on device manager there is a detection. So thats my conclusion, a broken part on the pcb. I was wondering if any company offered local data recovery.

                    Sunday, 01-Apr-12 05:25:05 UTC from web
                    • !ottawabronies @baolia Whoops, accidentally hit enter. Anyways, if that doesn't work, and you want the files on the drive, see if you can get it fixed/recovered professionally.

                      Sunday, 01-Apr-12 02:10:11 UTC from web
                      • !ottawabronies @baolia It really depends exactly how broken it is, read this : http://www.ehow.com/how_4486864_repair-external-hard-drive.html

                        Sunday, 01-Apr-12 02:08:58 UTC from web
                        • !ottawabronies My EHDD broke any tips on data recovery?

                          Saturday, 31-Mar-12 17:16:01 UTC from web
                          • !ottawabronies Anyone down to be interviewed for a feature story on Bronies?

                            Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 17:22:45 UTC from web
                          • @ cakewalk Hey, I'm a journalist writing a feature story on Bronies for the Carleton newspaper, and I was wondering if I could get in touch with you for an interview and possibly a photo op in the next couple days? Thanks!

                            Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 17:13:03 UTC from web
                          • !Ottawabronies crap :I We got 70 Members?? O.o scary..

                            Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 18:19:33 UTC from web
                            • !ottawabronies I'd be down for a picnic, and pretty much any one of the locations that has been mentioned is pretty good, Major's hill park would be pretty good because it's easy to get to (though parking for some people might be a hassle) and it's got all kinds of other cool stuff near it.

                              Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 02:27:18 UTC from web
                              • Bee likes this.
                            • !ottawabronies @djmidli I think Majors Hill/Parliament is the best choice for the picnic, it's way more central and easier to get by since all major 90's bus routes go that way and it's withing an hour of pretty much everywhere. I hope this happens it would be lots of fun!

                              Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 01:19:18 UTC from web
                              • !ottawabronies all the normal registrations things are closed !!!! hopefully i can register online tomorow for it! i am clueless when it comes to figuring out how to do those things. so i will ask for my parents help tomorow.

                                Monday, 26-Mar-12 06:35:22 UTC from web
                              • !ottawabronies @djmidli an attendance cap !? fuuuuuuuuu are you kidding me ? i was hoping to pay at the door darn i hope will actually be able to get in.

                                Monday, 26-Mar-12 05:31:59 UTC from web
                              • asdfghjkl !Ottawabronies apparently we also have a Facebook group that is /now/ open? http://www.facebook.com/groups/141324269304426/ Go join that too! But don't forget about the amazing super talented Pegasinners!.. I mean Pegasisters!

                                Sunday, 25-Mar-12 18:59:21 UTC from web
                              • !Ottawabronies Hey you guys! I actually made a group /mostly/ only for the females! ;) If you want to join then here is the link: http://www.facebook.com/groups/354526984588745/ (( I'm trying to organize events actually right now and want people to post their ideas! ))

                                Sunday, 25-Mar-12 18:43:43 UTC from web
                                • !ottawabronies so who would like to have a brony picnic?

                                  Friday, 23-Mar-12 23:59:57 UTC from web
                                • !Ottawabronies almost all the McDonalds Ponies** And I remember where I got each one, the only ones I'm missing are RBD, Cheerilee and Lily BLossom.

                                  Friday, 23-Mar-12 16:48:17 UTC from web
                                • !ottawabronies @misakipony That's good to hear, glad you're still here :) I'm missing the same ponies as you, actually, although I did see a Lily Blossom at the McDonalds in the Kanata Wal-Mart. Not sure if she's still there, though.

                                  Friday, 23-Mar-12 17:08:54 UTC from web
                                • !Ottawabronies I got almost all the ponies.. Oh hey I'm still alive and a brony!?

                                  Friday, 23-Mar-12 16:46:35 UTC from web
                                • !ottawabronies @cakewalk Well, I just informed Molestia, and her reaction? http://fim.413chan.net/art/src/130985008778-Trollestia_Mugshot_2.png

                                  Friday, 23-Mar-12 01:40:18 UTC from web