Cerulean Lulamoon-Spark (ceruleansparkold)'s status on Sunday, 26-Feb-12 01:04:06 UTC

  1. @sebastian1314 I think there are two issues here: 1) You seem kind of angry. You should probably calm down a little. 2) This is what I am talking about. What makes bronies so desperate for power and recognition, and why is the arena of "Brightly colored friendship horses" the one they''ve chosen? That is what I mean by relevance. "Hasbro has to listen to us because WE'RE IMPORTANT". Why does it MATTER if they listen to you? If you recall, FiM was actually really good BEFORE bronies existed. They "got it right" without "brony approval" before, so why is it so important now?

    Sunday, 26-Feb-12 01:04:06 UTC from web in context