starlightbolt's status on Saturday, 03-Mar-12 22:43:49 UTC

  1. @ceruleanspark Marriage is pretty much a union between two (or sometimes more) people. The usual problem in this kind of discussion is that both sides pretty much try not to understand the other! Marriage is usually associated as a religious thing. This is NOT to say that marriage belongs to religion but that it IS a part of religion. The main difference civil union and marriage (though these are just terms) is that one is recognized by a religion and one is recognized by a government. It is not fair to ask a religion to recognize something that they do not believe in, just as it is not fair to ask gay people not to be together. Gay people have the right to be together and get married (or civil union or whatever you want to call it, it’s all the same) but should not expect religions, where gay relationships are not allowed, to recognized their union as something that is strictly defined as something else in their religion. Boom elaboration!

    Saturday, 03-Mar-12 22:43:49 UTC from web in context