Equestria Daily Mailpony (eqdpony)'s status on Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 04:10:10 UTC

  1. [b]Story: Whip and Wing[/b]: [Crossover] Author: Fernin Description: The Medallion of Light and the Medallion of Shadow are some of the most powerful yet obscure artifacts of antiquity. Created by a now-vanished cult of assassins, the two devices together give their bearer the incredible power to walk the worlds with but a single step. Nefarious forces are closing in on both artifacts, and very little stands in their way. Heinrich Himmler's a >http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/03/story-whip-and-wing.html http://ur1.ca/8te92

    Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 04:10:10 UTC from Sethisto