(mysty)'s status on Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 04:55:30 UTC

  1. @nerthos You should see my room. It's full of books. It's a library of fantasy books. And my kindle, too. Well, there's a book you really might enjoy. It's more of a more organizes and funny book of humor. Not a joke book, but a very humorous one. It's called "this is a book by demetri Martin" by demetri Martin. Its ten times funnier than the overdose thing. I did the unfortunate thing and I read it during a state exam. I laughed so hard, the professor had to send me to the nurse because I couldn't breathe and then to the office so they could confiscate the distraction. I'll get you a link to some reviews or previews or something.

    Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 04:55:30 UTC from web in context