Equestria Daily Mailpony (eqdpony)'s status on Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 06:10:05 UTC

  1. [b]Artist Training Ground Alumni Week 39[/b]: Rainbow Dash as a Chocobo? Clearly these guys know what they are doing. The Artist Training Ground Alumni group has busted out yet another weeks worth of challenges for all the newbie artists (And a few of the more professional ones) to take advantage of. As is the norm, hit their gallery up, and if you would like to join in on the next one, check out their actual for details on >http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/03/artist-training-ground-alumni-week-39.html http://ur1.ca/8tspz

    Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 06:10:05 UTC from Sethisto