RDN's Lucifer (nerthos)'s status on Monday, 09-Apr-12 04:21:48 UTC

  1. @minti Best thing is that the DM didn't notice half of the stuff the character has. With the codex of the infinite planes and the other one whose name I can't remember that is the opposite of the first one, he can travel at will between planes and transport stuff. And also 19 engineering and access to magic via his wife xD The character started as an elf paladin son of wine proucers, who wanted to earn glory to be named champion of his family. With the world slowly descending into utter chaos by one or other dark magician or evil god, and by plot stuff, his father ended up being the patriarch of the capital province of the elven kingdom, he got linked to a dragon through a pact, and his god named him his champion to free his holy city and all the faithful. Now the party needs to stop an evil magician who believes that he can control a primal evil god and wants to unseal and summon it to the world, begining an endless slaughter that will last for millenia.

    Monday, 09-Apr-12 04:21:48 UTC from web in context