Equestria Daily Mailpony (eqdpony)'s status on Friday, 13-Apr-12 17:40:05 UTC

  1. [b]Equestria Inquirer #[/b]: Another issue of the Equestria Inquirer has been released! Find their copy paste below, along with their video, or the print version ! Copy Paste: We had a terrific premier event last night on EverFree Radio! Lots of big name bronies attended and I want to thank you all for coming out to support the Equestria Inquirer! In this week's episode, we analyze how Pinkie Pie will one day own the free wills of us all, >http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/04/equestria-inquirer-33.html http://ur1.ca/8zwyx

    Friday, 13-Apr-12 17:40:05 UTC from Sethisto