Crusader 8 (princelypublictimeline)'s status on Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 05:50:37 UTC

  1. @hakupony My jimmies get rustled when people rustle their rustled jimmies at my jimmies. When I first saw what happened, I was indifferent to Depry but thought it was a double standard for Hasbro to change Derpy from a disabled stereotype to a seemingly-equally harmful dumb blonde stereotype. But then I got the full story, and I was like "Oh, that's not even her real name, and she was originally intended to be a certain way and the writer wasn't even informed changes were made." Then I see parades of peeps saying "Derpy belongs to us and is ours and give her back to us" and in the end it's the arrogance and attitude that gets to me, because I sleep the same way in my bed regardless of her name.

    Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 05:50:37 UTC from web in context