RDN's Lucifer (nerthos)'s status on Sunday, 22-Apr-12 12:43:54 UTC

  1. @greydragon412 I'm pretty sure it was a warning. The dream was about a woman about to reach godhood. Ready to recede from the world to do the work of a god for eternity, her friends tried to find a way to stop her, to convince her of what would happen if she did. Her life would be left behind, never to see again any of that and those who she loved; an eternity alone doing her work and nothing else. At last, the friends gave up, unable to find a reason to make her stay, and said goodbye to her with broken hearts. The woman, about to leave, sees all this, and with a tear dropping from her eye, and a smile in her face, turns around and walks back to her friends and life.

    Sunday, 22-Apr-12 12:43:54 UTC from web in context