Circuit Mane (circuitmane)'s status on Monday, 23-Apr-12 23:10:09 UTC

  1. !thebronyshow The Brony Show 48 - Speccy That's right, the awesomeness of The Brony Show has come once again this week to give you that big dose of pony love that we're going to need more than ever. That's right, summer is coming and we just got the last episode of My Little Pony for the season. And we're going to celebrate it so hard that we'll be speaking in Pinkie pie for days! We'll be starting with some awesome news, and then moving to a great interview with Speccy ( Such an awesome artist! And after that we're going to push into the entire season finale and wedding! What will happen to Canterlot! Then after that awesome we'll go into some sweet videos. And if that's not enough CrimsontheWolf will jump in for some more pony fun with the Oatmeal Galore After Party. All this starts at at 6PM PST/ 9PM EST. Hope to see you there!

    Monday, 23-Apr-12 23:10:09 UTC from web