★ (starshine)'s status on Thursday, 26-May-11 19:50:01 UTC

  1. @extremedash Not bad. I realized today that there are a TON of different kinds of hot sauce. There's tabasco, sriracha, redhot, and then there's a bunch of other ones that I haven't heard of! I like sriracha the best. I first saw it in some Thai restaurant... hmm, it's been a while since I had Thai food. Maybe a few months. I wonder if there's any Thai restaurants around here... I know there's an Indian restaurant I've been meaning to try out. Do you like Indian food? I don't know if I've ever had it. Ooh! I ate at an Armenian restaurant once. That was good, but I had no idea what I was eating.

    Thursday, 26-May-11 19:50:01 UTC from web in context